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1988 Volvo B10 M Citybus Alexander RV [B10M-50]

1988 Volvo B10 M Citybus [B10M-50] in Down Among the Big Boys, Movie made for TV, 1993 IMDB

Class: Bus, Double-deck — Model origin: SE — Built in: UK

1988 Volvo B10 M Citybus Alexander RV [B10M-50]

Pos: 00:28:29 [*] Background vehicle

Comments about this vehicle


dsl SX

2014-09-18 23:03

dsl wrote A bus at 28-29 .... - this film is fairly nouveau riche so they don't use buses - this is the only one I spotted.

kudos wrote An Alexander RV bodied Volvo B10M-50 Citybus, one of ninety-five new to Strathclyde's Buses between 1988 and 1990. Worth a page in my opinion.

@kudos - something strange has happened to your flag ...

kudos SX

2014-09-18 23:28

Cheers for making a page. We now have three buses from this batch listed, though one hasn't yet been updated: /vehicle.php?id=738596 I'm guessing you voted Yes earlier today?

-- Last edit: 2014-09-19 20:03:59

Ingo DE

2014-09-18 23:58

dsl wrote
@kudos - something strange has happened to your flag ...


dsl SX

2014-09-19 00:11

kudos wrote Cheers for making a page. We know have three buses from this batch listed, though one hasn't yet been updated: /vehicle.php?id=738596 I'm guessing you voted Yes earlier today?

Have grouped them with [B10 M-50] code - I take it that /vehicle_104644-Volvo-B10-M-Citybus-B10-M-50-1989.html was the 3rd one. There's a 4th in that batch that was already there - a single-decker from NL - is it correct??

And as for my vote
[Image: St%20Andrews%20Smiley-100x100.gif ]
(thanks to andrepa for finding it)

kudos SX

2014-09-19 00:19

Thanks again. By 'batch' I was referring only to the ninety-five buses new to Strathclyde between 1988 and 1990, all Citybuses should be listed under the [B10 M-50] code.

-- Last edit: 2014-09-19 00:24:02

dsl SX

2014-09-19 01:19

kudos wrote .. all Citybuses should be listed under the [B10 M-50] code.

I think that's all of them rounded up and coded. If you spot any stragglers or carrots pretending to be cucumbers ....

kudos SX

2014-09-19 03:30



2014-09-19 20:05

The nays have it. Common sense prevailed. :D

kudos SX

2014-09-19 20:08

Indeed! :D

dsl SX

2014-09-19 21:04

Commonsense is not the word I'd use - too superficial, and a misreading of the stark choice we had. One of the depressing things from the last few months which I've seen directly from several stints in Englandshire is how little comprehension there is south of the border why a huge portion of Scotland wanted - and still wants - something very different from what Westminster offers with its soggy centre-right complacency. However anyone wants to define this movement, it was not a petulant tantrum, but something much deeper. Yesterday's result does not change that, nor remove it. Maybe big change will come from all the last-minute promises of concessions and new powers, and maybe their roll-out to the rest of Britain might bring real progress across the UK. If so, then there might be a real legacy from this episode. But today, it definitely feels as if the future's nothing like as bright as it used to be.

mike962 DE

2014-09-19 21:08

dsl wrote it definitely feels as if the future's nothing like as bright as it used to be.

if you visit places like SYRIA or IRAQ it will surely become much britghter ...

dsl SX

2014-09-19 21:32


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