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The Best of British: The History of Jaguar, Documentary, 2005

Pictures provided by: stronghold

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stronghold EN

2007-09-17 09:00

[Image: bestbritishjaguar0xy6.8862.jpg] [Image: bestbritishjaguar16it3.2374.jpg] [Image: bestbritishjaguar00os6.5885.jpg]
The dvd sleeve says (c)2005 (IVL) InstantVision Limited
The Jaguar history sounds accurate, but the actual pitures & photo's shown are very inconsistant (muddled.!) to say the least.
During the opening credits & introduction to Jaguar we are shown many old cars driving slowing around a field (from a classic car show)..but None are Jaguar.!! Then when we are shown Swallow sidecars it is accompanied by a heavy rock guitar (no narration), following this we are told the history of the sidecars & early cars ...but the pictures shown are all more recent (70's-80's) jaguars (XJ6, XJ40, E-Type etc...) & more Non Jaguar cars.! :??:

-- Last edit: 2007-09-17 09:12:17

stronghold EN

2007-09-17 09:00

Below are many historic photo's showning the company founders, factory's etc..
[Image: bestbritishjaguar44bm8.6925.jpg] [Image: bestbritishjaguar52wu8.8439.jpg] [Image:] [Image: bestbritishjaguar93id8.7526.jpg] [Image:] [Image: bestbritishjaguar100np4.8509.jpg] [Image:] [Image:] [Image: bestbritishjaguar104ru4.10.jpg] [Image: bestbritishjaguar105xz4.9191.jpg] [Image: bestbritishjaguar111yr4.6651.jpg] [Image: bestbritishjaguar96jw1.2360.jpg] [Image: bestbritishjaguar97rj9.8990.jpg] [Image: bestbritishjaguar125xx3.5628.jpg] [Image: bestbritishjaguar126wn7.9644.jpg] [Image: bestbritishjaguar127wb8.5787.jpg] [Image: bestbritishjaguar128uf7.6803.jpg] [Image: bestbritishjaguar133js6.8829.jpg] [Image: bestbritishjaguar165vy2.1092.jpg] [Image: bestbritishjaguar166xf1.7755.jpg] [Image: bestbritishjaguar280qs0.1897.jpg] [Image: bestbritishjaguar281cd2.3559.jpg] [Image: bestbritishjaguar287zm5.4415.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2007-09-18 10:14:47

stronghold EN

2007-09-17 10:18

Completed ;)

-- Last edit: 2007-09-19 10:34:45

chris40 UK

2007-09-17 10:55

Thank the Lord, I can draw breath!

stronghold EN

2007-09-19 10:58

I'll sort out any duplicates (group them), once all the cars have been identified ;)

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