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Kollektivtransport og transportavvikling, Documentary, 1974

Pictures provided by: Lateef

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Lateef NO

2016-07-06 20:30

NRK link

Background vehicles:
Spoiler - click here to see it

Ep. 1
[Image: bk1.129.jpg] [Image: bk2.87.jpg] [Image: bk3.71.jpg] [Image: bk5.54.jpg]
[Image: bk6.45.jpg] [Image: bk7.29.jpg] [Image: bk8.28.jpg] [Image: bk9.24.jpg]
[Image: bk10.21.jpg] [Image: bk11.17.jpg] [Image: bk12.15.jpg] [Image: bk13.13.jpg]
[Image: bk14.13.jpg] [Image: bk17.5.jpg]
Ep. 2
[Image: bk1.130.jpg] [Image: bk2.88.jpg] [Image: bk3.72.jpg] [Image: bk4.53.jpg]
[Image: bk5.55.jpg] [Image: bk6.46.jpg] [Image: bk7.30.jpg] [Image: bk8.29.jpg]
[Image: bk9.25.jpg] [Image: bk10.22.jpg] [Image: bk11.18.jpg] [Image: bk12.16.jpg]
[Image: bk15.11.jpg] [Image: bk16.10.jpg] [Image: bk17.6.jpg] [Image: bk18.4.jpg]
[Image: bk19.5.jpg] [Image: bk20.4.jpg] [Image: bk21.3.jpg] [Image: bk22.3.jpg]
[Image: bk24.1.jpg] [Image: bk26.1.jpg] [Image: bk27.1.jpg]
Ep. 3
[Image: bk1.131.jpg] [Image: bk2.89.jpg] [Image: bk3.73.jpg] [Image: bk4.54.jpg]
[Image: bk5.56.jpg] [Image: bk6.47.jpg] [Image: bk7.31.jpg] [Image: bk8.30.jpg]
Ep. 4
[Image: bk1.132.jpg] [Image: bk2.90.jpg] [Image: bk4.55.jpg] [Image: bk5.57.jpg] [Image: bk6.48.jpg]
[Image: bk7.32.jpg] [Image: bk8.31.jpg] [Image: bk9.26.jpg] [Image: bk11.19.jpg]

Ingo DE

2016-07-06 21:35


tore-40 NO

2016-07-07 00:50

I'll check again tomorrow when you're out for a cup of coffee ;) Things are happening too rapidly for me

CougarTim US

2016-07-07 13:08

Lateef wrote
Background vehicles:
Ep. 2
[Image: bk1.130.jpg]

Most prominent are a 1959 Dodge sedan, a 1969 Ford LTD coupe, and a 1969 Ford (LTD or XL) convertible

Lateef wrote
Ep. 3
[Image: bk5.56.jpg]

1970 Chevrolet Chevelle, 1965 Chevrolet Impala, 1970 Buick (LeSabre or Wildcat), and an old Mack semi in the back

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