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Suchkind 312, Movie made for TV, 2007 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Ralph

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Ralph DE

2007-11-05 02:44

[Image: suchkind00xw3.6913.jpg] [Image: suchkind00asd9.3656.jpg] [Image: suchkind00cov9.6431.jpg]

Borgward party
a)[Image: suchkind00bzr5.7269.jpg] b)[Image: aa1357lb0.5778.jpg] c)[Image: aa2359fa6.2299.jpg] d)[Image: aa3362de9.6026.jpg] e)[Image: aa4363dp2.4778.jpg] f)[Image: aa4364dw7.6286.jpg] g)[Image: aa5367no0.1507.jpg] h)[Image: aa0355su6.2641.jpg]

g)Borgward Hansa 2400 S Fließheck

-- Last edit: 2007-11-07 17:09:18

Ralph DE

2007-11-05 23:00

too small, too far, too quick
1)[Image:] 2)[Image: suchkind00hgh4.5623.jpg] 3)[Image: suchkind00eur2.2945.jpg] 4)[Image: suchkind00fjr3.6272.jpg] 5)[Image: suchkind00gnb5.8751.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2007-11-06 00:16:42

Gag Halfrunt UK

2007-11-05 23:20

Quote Filming Locations for
Suchkind 312 (2007) (TV)

Berlin, Germany

Brandenburg, Germany

carobserver MX

2007-11-06 01:24

In what year is supposed to be?

Ralph DE

2007-11-06 01:27

carobserver wrote In what year is supposed to be?

I think it was 1944/45 and 1955

Gag Halfrunt UK

2007-11-06 19:53

Interesting that locations in former East Germany were used to recreate former West Germany. I suppose that it's easier to find places that haven't changed much since the fifties.

chris40 UK

2007-11-06 21:01

Ralph's blurry #5 is my favourite BMW - 502 :love: :love:

-- Last edit: 2007-11-06 21:01:50

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