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1965 FSO Warszawa

1965 FSO Warszawa in Małżeństwo z rozsądku (The Marriage of Convenience), Movie, 1967 IMDB

Class: Cars, Sedan — Model origin: PL

1965 FSO Warszawa

[*] Background vehicle

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Weasel1984 PL

2008-01-01 21:00

And another two [*]/[*][*]:
[Image: videotstitle0ch9frame11ty9.9448.jpg]

130rapid PL

2010-11-02 18:54

Weasel1984 :hello:

Looks like early cars had white front indicator lenses.
/vehicle_290825-FSO-Warszawa-1964.html (pre-1966 car)
/vehicle_238163-FSO-Warszawa-S-21-1964.html (pre-1966 car)
/vehicle_236073-FSO-Warszawa-S-21-1964.html (the premiere car?)

Later cars had amber lenses.
/vehicle_271363-FSO-Warszawa-S-21-1964.html (pre-1970 car)
/vehicle_213142-FSO-Warszawa-A-S-21-1965.html (pre-1970)
/vehicle_203982-FSO-Warszawa-1964.html (pre-1969)
/vehicle_233234-FSO-Warszawa-K-S-21-1965.html (pre-1968)
/vehicle_290829-FSO-Warszawa-P-1966.html (1966, however pick-up)

I suppose, the amber lenses were the trim's standarisation with FSO Syrena 104 which had same front indicators. Is possible this came in 1966?

-- Last edit: 2010-11-02 18:55:15

Weasel1984 PL

2010-11-02 19:06

Indeed! They are different. Unfortunately this modification isn't anywhere mentioned. Maybe there will be some info when Zieliński will finish 3rd part of "Polskie konstrukcje motoryzacyjne", let's hope it won't be in 2025. :D These indicators were painted orange from inside if I'm not wrong. My father had (maybe still have) such indicator of his 60's Warszawa taxi in the drawer. Glass was in good condition, but paint started to peel and crack... I think we can risk with 1966 anyway... I will try to check my pictures and find something more in free time (soon).

-- Last edit: 2010-11-02 19:06:55

130rapid PL

2010-11-02 19:12

Weasel1984 wrote Unfortunately this modification isn't anywhere mentioned.

As black plastic rings instead chrome in FSM Syrena 105's front indicators. :sun:

Weasel1984 PL

2010-11-02 19:30

Rare Warszawa T, introduced in MTP in 1965, on factory pics has still white indicators. As we can see in "Mocne Uderzenie" 1966 had already orange ones. I have pic of Kombi from 1965, but surprisingly it is not so easy to tell are they dark or not. So let's make 1966. If not 1966, then 1965 - not so big mistake.

130rapid PL

2010-11-02 19:38

Interesting, it seems the late cars lost their wheelcovers.

-- Last edit: 2010-11-02 19:42:31

Weasel1984 PL

2010-11-02 19:47

Or they added them later, maybe... Anyway possible.
The front logo was also changed somwhere in 1968 IIRC. I tried once to see difference on such pics from films, but without any results. :/

-- Last edit: 2010-11-02 19:48:33

Weasel1984 PL

2014-10-09 21:04

One more detail has to be color of the steering wheel. The very first 203/204 from 1964 have it white/grey, then at the pics from 1965 it is already black. Similar change has been done soon in Syrena in 1966/67 (from grey to black).

Weasel1984 PL

2022-05-22 23:18

Back to color of indicators in 203/204 - A. Zieliński claims they became orange at the beginning of 1967. It is small inaccuracy OR what we see outside the FSO plant in "Mocne uderzenie" film (made in 1966, premiere in 03.1967), are export cars prepared to countries where indicators had to be orange/amber:
(or in spring/summer '66 they already made some number of cars with new lamps for tests or something like that).

-- Last edit: 2022-05-22 23:27:12

130rapid PL

2022-05-23 00:56


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