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The Austin Festival Review, Documentary, 1951

Pictures provided by: dsl

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dsl SX

2015-06-03 02:18

[Image: title.149.jpg] [Image: titleb.1.jpg] [Image: titlec.1.jpg]

Taken from this DVD
[Image: dvdcover.1.jpg]
- see /movie.php?id=1004516488 . Can also be viewed at , , etc

Basically a fairly triumphalist promotional film made by Pathe for Austin for the 1951 Festival of Britain (also filmed by Pathe as Extra1 on this MG extravaganza - Pathe cleverly manage not to duplicate content between the 2 features) - in the typical post-WW2 mood of optimism for a bright future. Odd commentary which has lots of errors, and a bit of a rambling account, opening with Festival footage, followed by a history of early road vehicles and then becomes Austin focused.

Lots of very interesting stuff as it meanders its way through 10 minutes - I don't think it has been cut for DVD as has been suggested as an explanation for commentary errors

Festival of Britain stuff
[Image: festival6.jpg] [Image: festivalskylon.jpg]

[Image: festival.jpg] [Image: festival2.jpg]

[Image: festival3.jpg] [Image: festival4.jpg]

[Image: festival5.jpg] [Image: festival7.jpg]

[Image: festival8.jpg] [Image: festival9.jpg]

[Image: festival11trainsearle.jpg] [Image: festival12trainsearle.jpg]

The onsite train in last 2 pics was based on a cartoon series by Rowland Emett called The Far Tottering and Oyster Creek Railway - a bit more interesting than all those silly Dotto things.

dsl SX

2015-06-03 03:11

History of transport stuff
[Image: bike.3.jpg]

followed by in 1880 (apparently)
[Image: bike21880.jpg] [Image: bike21880b.jpg]

.... an early ford
[Image: ford.jpg] :whistle:

.... a choo-choo
[Image: festival13traina.jpg] [Image: festival13train.jpg]

... and ever wondered what we'd be identifying on imcdb if no-one had invented the internal combustion engine??
[Image: oldimcdb.jpg]

dsl SX

2015-06-03 03:33

Planes for impdb

1] Lancasters (built in Longbridge during WW2)
[Image: longbridgelancaster.jpg] [Image: longbridgelancasterb.jpg]

[Image: longbridgelancasterc.jpg] [Image: longbridgelancasterd.jpg]

2] Horsa gliders, also built at Longbridge (plus Stirlings or Halifaxes - /movie_214240-The-Undefeated.html ??)
[Image: longbridgehorsagliders.jpg] [Image: longbridgehorsaglidersb.jpg]

[Image: longbridgehorsaglidersc.jpg] [Image: longbridgehorsaglidersd.jpg]

[Image: longbridgehorsagliderse.jpg] [Image: longbridgehorsaglidersf.jpg]

[Image: longbridgehorsaglidersg.jpg] [Image: longbridgehorsaglidersh.jpg]

[Image: longbridgehorsaglidersj.jpg] [Image: longbridgehorsaglidersk.jpg]

[Image: longbridgehorsaglidersl.jpg] [Image: longbridgehorsaglidersm.jpg]

[Image: longbridgehorsaglidersn.jpg] [Image: longbridgehorsaglidersp.jpg]

[Image: longbridgehorsaglidersq.jpg] [Image: longbridgehorsaglidersr.jpg]

[Image: longbridgehorsagliderss.jpg] [Image: longbridgehorsagliderst.jpg]

3] Unidentified shiny thing
[Image: kingsplane.jpg]
That's the only shot, but it could be related to Phil The Greek's arrival in the A125 Sheerline - was he a pilot??

-- Last edit: 2016-10-07 04:53:07

johnfromstaffs EN

2015-06-03 21:27

The King's Flight's first post war machine was a Vickers Viking. According to stuff in the link P the G learned to fly in 1952.

Link to ""

The "Choo-Choo"

-- Last edit: 2015-06-03 21:57:50

Corkeyandpals US

2017-10-06 06:07

Aircraft at:

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