
Last completed movie pages

Duel, Movie made for TV, 1971 IMDB

Pictures provided by: antp, Redthumb, chicomarx, 93montero, Nightrider, CRAFT372, GodzillaFan54

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Also known as:

  • Duell (Germany)
  • El diablo sobre ruedas (Spain)
  • Pojedynek na szosie (Poland)
  • 飛輪喋血 (Taiwan)

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Comments about this movie

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See the 14 comments from this page that were archived


72 Fury US

2006-07-22 07:46

The Valiant in Duel is definitely a '71. Its wheel covers were used in 1971 only. The most positive way of identifying it as a '71 are by the small turn signal indicators mounted on top of both fenders. Chrysler used body-colored indicators in '71 only, all other years had chrome indicators. Certainly, both the wheel covers and the indicators could have been changed on the movie car (or cars), but it seems unlikely that this would have been done.
Carfan is right. The Biscayne wasn't a police car, but rather painted with an exterminating company logo.

-- Last edit: 2006-07-22 07:50:29

trucker US

2006-08-16 19:19

explorer4x4 wrote Man! There were LOADS of other cars! The entire first 3 or 4 minutes were nothing but cars! At the diner there was a lot full of cars and then theres the school bus and Chevrolet Biscayne squad car!

That was because he was driving on the freeway. And if I can remember there was one White-Freightliner truck with a reefer.

antp BE

2006-08-16 20:44

If these other cars are just background ones seen for ¼ second, it is not especially worth mentionning all of them...

3mta3 US

2006-09-02 02:34

I thought I had started watching one of my favorite movies today. The shots showing the speedo dropping, the temp rising, the oil light flashing, made me say "Duel" immediately. But wait a minute. Who are these two people in the familiar Valiant? And two people in the TRUCK? Well, turns out to be an episode of the Hulk. I've never seen such a use of recycled content. Blew me away. I love that kind of crazy stuff.

jplemoine FR

2006-11-22 19:29

Duel, "Téléfilm"? :??: Je pas comprendre...

antp BE

2006-11-22 20:17

Bah il n'y a pas grand chose à comprendre : le film a d'abord été diffusé à la télé. Ce n'est que par après qu'il a été exploité en salles ;)
Quote Duel fait partie de la longue série des films du week-end (movie of the week-end) de la chaîne americaine ABC. C'est donc un film destiné, à l'origine, à la télévision, mais qui, à la suite de son succès, fut rapidement diffusé dans les salles de cinéma aux États-Unis et en Europe.

-- Last edit: 2006-11-22 20:18:35


2007-01-27 01:45

well the 1960 peterbuilt from Duel i'd like to have and it's in misourri and with a 5 and a 3 transmission and a 350hp Cummins motor the 1964 used in Rail Road, gas adenddit and Bush pushing scences is in a ware house in universal lots in poor shape whating for someone to resscue it


2007-01-28 13:13

In one scene there is a passing International Harvester Travelall. The four door version of the Scout.

-- Last edit: 2012-02-10 16:49:22

antp BE

2007-01-28 14:08

Can you give more details, i.e. approx time or scene description, so I can try to find it in the movie?


2007-01-29 04:10

There is a scene when the main character is trying to pass the truck. He is on the wrong side of the road and has to swerve back behind the truck again because the Travelall is coming toward him. In a couple seconds the camera shows the side of the Travelall and then the back as it drives away.

-- Last edit: 2012-02-10 16:52:15

Aziz FR

2007-02-19 16:23

antp wrote Bah il n'y a pas grand chose à comprendre : le film a d'abord été diffusé à la télé. Ce n'est que par après qu'il a été exploité en salles ;)

Comme pour Le Péril Jeune...

sixcyl FR

2007-02-19 18:43

antp wrote Bah il n'y a pas grand chose à comprendre

Tu l'as dit (même si je te cite hors contexte) :D ... car pour l'avoir vu une fois je n'ai trouvé rien de bien intéressant dans ce film

-- Last edit: 2007-02-19 18:58:40

antp BE

2007-02-19 22:08

[:nono] c'est pas bien de détourner mes propos :p Il est bien ce film je trouve :o

sixcyl FR

2007-02-19 23:32 n'ai pas retourné tes propos, mais me suis servi de ce bout de phrase "hors contexte" pour dire quelque chose de différent et que je pense de ce film ... :p

antp BE

2007-02-19 23:46

C'est pas justement ça la définition du détournement de propos, se servir d'un bout de phrase pour dire quelque chose de différent ? :p

sixcyl FR

2007-02-20 00:07

[Image: plusun.gif] me suis mal exprimé, ce que je voulais dire c'est que je n'ai pas cherché à transformer ce que toi tu pouvais penser de ce film et "te faire dire" ce que j'en pense, mais uniquement exprimé ce que moi j'en pensais ...en utilisant tes mots (c'est un poil différent ) ;)

marioman3138 AU

2008-05-01 10:08

I've got this on DVD and will watch it soon

Honda Civic 1.7 TH

2009-02-02 13:29

The first time does I watched this movie was in 1998 (I was 10 yo,and that's the same period of France 98 worldcup)
Stephen Spielberg's first movie, great.
But now all of performers in this movie were died (Dennis Weaver died in 2004)

takumi FR

2009-07-26 11:07

j'ai revu le film hier a la télé, et j'ai vu qu'il manquait une bonne vingtaine de véhicule, du début du film, lors du départ de Los angeles vers le désert, et d'autre véhicule comme un éconoline ou d'autre camions lors de la scéne du café.

Commander 57 US

2010-08-18 19:07

Actually, I thought his character did pretty well under very difficult circumstances and was victorious in the end.

Ford_Guy US

2010-08-19 00:40

I agree. Plus, that was the character Weaver was playing. If he had been a stronger person, this movie would have ended much sooner.

Commander 57 US

2010-08-19 20:13

And would not have been as interesting.

steve1234 US

2012-01-16 03:12

peterbilt vs plymouth what a perplexing predicimont

cko US

2012-02-16 06:45

was the road it was filmed on the same that was used in episodes of "Chips" and "rockford files"?

-- Last edit: 2012-02-16 07:11:18

DarkBaron CA

2013-10-16 07:13

[Image: th_titlecard_zpsbf3ed45a.png]

-- Last edit: 2013-10-16 07:49:24 (karoomay)

unclehotrod13 US

2014-06-24 03:10

This was a great "scary" movie...kinda like JAWS on land! Great cars too...

Nightrider RU

2015-01-08 11:48

Truck driver is not so invisible.
[Image: duel1971bdrip1080p12-57-37.jpg]
[Image: duel1971bdrip1080p12-58-08.jpg]
[Image: duel1971bdrip1080p13-27-12.jpg]

Nightrider RU

2015-01-08 14:11

Not very remote area - you can see moving cars on the road down there.
[Image: duel1971bdrip1080p16-11-10.jpg]

mike962 DE

2016-06-26 16:01

Blu_Ray has fake Widescreen matting as this movie was shot in 4:3 for TV

so better stick with the DVD which is in the correct 4:3

-- Last edit: 2016-06-26 16:01:24

gamerman12 US

2017-07-27 02:12

I believe a truck was missed. I can't seem to see the truck the trucker that David Mann attacked in Chuck's Cafe drove away in.

chicomarx BE

2017-07-27 02:52

I think you're correct, good catch.

chicomarx BE

2017-07-27 02:54

[*][*] truck added > /vehicle.php?id=1053928

gamerman12 US

2018-04-12 00:15

I can't identify the brand, but still, it is a good enough screenshot that somebody who has some knowledge of older semis can identify it.

the sad biker UK

2018-04-12 10:47

chicomarx wrote [*][*] truck added > /vehicle.php?id=1053928

Apart from the external door hinges it looks like a B series Mack to me?

Happy_Toyz US

2018-05-17 02:00

There's a video on youtube about the last remaining Duel Truck and a backstory on the owner Brad Wike and him coming across it and buying it.

GodzillaFan54 CA

2019-06-09 23:05

Anyone know if the wrecks from the finale are still there?

train68 US

2021-01-25 06:51

Rest in peace, Billy Goldenberg.

GodzillaFan54 CA

2021-11-14 15:04

Happy 50 Years to Duel and Steven Spielberg's career!!

Jnglmpera JP

2021-11-14 15:09

:beer: [:aboire]

GodzillaFan54 CA

2022-10-03 01:07

So awesome to see this on my list of contributions!

amateur94 FR

2023-03-25 11:46

Altaya vient de sortir le Peterbilt au 1/43ème , une fort belle réalisation . . . .reste à trouver la Plymouth à la même échelle

TruckerFan US

2023-11-17 00:12

I believe that I have found the guys hand for the mistake that people think is the guy jumping out

[Image: screenshot2023-11-1630901pm.jpg]

LadaLover UA

2023-12-26 14:11

Am i only one who spotted Mann's overall resemblance of Maindrian Pace from 'Gone in 60 seconds'? Even the license on his Plymouth says PCE...

dhill_cb7 US

2023-12-26 14:44

PCE is a common fake letter combination used on prop plates for movies.

LadaLover UA

2023-12-26 15:31

dhill_cb7 wrote PCE is a common fake letter combination used on prop plates for movies.

What about his tinted glasses?

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