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Alarm für Cobra 11 - Die Autobahnpolizei (Alarm for Cobra 11), DE TV Series, 1996-2025 IMDB

Pictures provided by: Neon, LH2, robi, coopey, walter,, Oljoke2, Star Wars Fanatic, CarChasesFanatic, antp, m.pfaffeneder, S 415 GT, jus1029, DonBarto, Purzel89, mike962, bmw-driver, Mystery Man, killstreak451, LadaLover, modcanario, Parrilex304

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Also known as:

  • Кобра 11(Bulgarian) (Bulgaria)
  • Кобра 11: Обади (Bulgaria)
  • Operação Implacável (Brazil)
  • 极速特警 (China)
  • 火线干探 (China)
  • Kobra 11 (Czechia or ex-Czechoslovakia)
  • Kutsuge Cobra 11 (Estonia)
  • Alerta Cobra (Spain)
  • Alerta Cobra - Brigada especial de carreteras (Spain)
  • Alerte Cobra (France)
  • Cobra 11 - Specijalci s autoputa (Croatia (Hrvatska))
  • Cobra 11 (Hungary)
  • Squadra Speciale Cobra 11 (Italy)
  • Autobahn Cop (Japan)
  • Autobahn Cop(English) (Japan)
  • Trauksme Kobrai 11. Lielceļa policija (Latvia)
  • Kobra - Oddzial specjalny (Poland)
  • Cobra 11 in alerta (Romania)
  • Alarm za Kobro 11(Alternative Title) (Slovenia)
  • Kobra takibi(Turkish) (Türkiye)

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Comments about this movie

See all comments about this movie and its vehicles


antp BE

2005-12-17 13:56

Thanks to the webmaster of for allowing us to use some pictures from his site :)


2005-12-19 00:28

is there any dvds out

CarChasesFanatic ES

2006-01-06 10:39

I think so but in german, the original language of the series.

Jaqob P. NL

2006-01-22 18:39

Yes, but with english sub. (I've got the dvd)

Silverstone UK

2006-07-28 23:16

Looks like Europe's answer to fastlane

antp BE

2006-07-28 23:23

They also destroy 10-20 cars per episode in Fastlane?
I think that it could rather be considered as a series version of Junkman or the original Gone in 60 seconds for that :D

-- Last edit: 2006-07-28 23:23:37

Silverstone UK

2006-07-28 23:36

Yes, the junkman is a better example!


2006-12-04 00:46

[Image: modmd8.4733.jpg]

what kind of model this

Neptune US

2006-12-04 00:50

LH2 wrote what kind of model this

BMW 6-Series

-- Last edit: 2006-12-26 12:41:30 (antp)


2006-12-04 00:54

[Image: modct7.6050.jpg]

sorry neptune I forgote this image.

Neptune US

2006-12-04 00:59

Awe, it got crushed :( :cry:

-- Last edit: 2006-12-26 12:41:45 (antp)

antp BE

2006-12-04 13:21

Is it a replica of "Alarm für Cobra" car? :D

lastinpurple ES

2006-12-08 22:37

antp wrote Is it a replica of "Alarm für Cobra" car? :D

No, it's from a Mother who wanted to gave it to her son because he had a good mark, but she died and she crushed an Opel Frontera

Tönz DE

2006-12-09 18:23

LH2 wrote what kind of heli is this

It's a Bölkow Bo 105, most popular german helicopter for police and rescue and even military purposes from the 1960's to the 90's.


2006-12-17 15:59

The stunts in this look incredibly ambitious for a TV program. I wish we had something like this in Britain.

Star Wars Fanatic EN

2006-12-17 16:02

G-MANN wrote The stunts in this look incredibly ambitious for a TV program. I wish we had something like this in Britain.

I have always thought the same thing - I mean can you imagine The Bill containing this sort of material :D


2006-12-17 16:08

Programs like The Bill and Casualty occaisionally have some car stunts but only in season finales where they've saved up their money and they still look amatuerish. Soaps like Eastenders sometimes kill off main characters like Grant Mitchell and the one played by Martin Kemp in elaborate (by British TV standards) car crashes, which are probably quite entertaining if you've been sitting through months of dreary, badly made British soap opera.

-- Last edit: 2006-12-17 16:12:12

Star Wars Fanatic EN

2006-12-17 16:14

Yes, Casualty used to have quite a few crashes but now they seemed to have toned it comparison Alarm Fur Cobra contains magnificent stunts in every episode without fail.

I happen to have both the stunts that you mentioned from Eastenders.

-- Last edit: 2006-12-17 16:16:26


2006-12-17 16:16

I just watched the car chase where Steve Owen (Martin Kemp) gets killed, it actually wasn't bad, quite realistic, but I still think Eastenders is crap. I remember watching this big tunnel crash in Holby City or something last Christmas, I don't watch the show, I just happened to turn it on just there this huge pile in a tunnel, it was a bit over-the-top, like they'd saved up a big jar of money and just dumped it all on this scene to get some good ratings at Christmas.

How good are the stunts and chases overall, compared to films? Is this almost like what you'd get if you made a TV series out of Ronin?

-- Last edit: 2006-12-17 16:36:53

Star Wars Fanatic EN

2006-12-17 17:14

G-MANN wrote I just watched the car chase where Steve Owen (Martin Kemp) gets killed, it actually wasn't bad, quite realistic, but I still think Eastenders is crap. I remember watching this big tunnel crash in Holby City or something last Christmas, I don't watch the show, I just happened to turn it on just there this huge pile in a tunnel, it was a bit over-the-top, like they'd saved up a big jar of money and just dumped it all on this scene to get some good ratings at Christmas.

Yes I've seen that tunnel crash as well, it was rather disappointing if I remember. I uploaded that Eastenders chase, I felt it was above par compared to the usual dross you get in that show.

Donington UK

2007-01-01 16:43

Anyone got anymore info on this series? It looks great.


2007-01-04 19:04

did you know that the show worlds wildest police videos with seriffe john bannel
it has stock footage from the show

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-01-04 19:14

I know that

Gag Halfrunt UK

2007-01-04 19:37

LH2 wrote did you know that the show worlds wildest police videos with seriffe john bannel
it has stock footage from the show

Do they pretend that the Cobra 11 scenes are real chases?

CarChasesFanatic ES

2007-01-04 19:42

i dont think so, anyway those videos are in youtube, ive seen one at least

Neon IT

2008-02-22 15:44

Season 1 completed :)

Neon IT

2008-03-05 12:06

Season 2 completed :)

Neon IT

2008-03-13 00:19

Season 3 completed :)

Neon IT

2008-04-02 23:39

Season 4 completed :)

Neon IT

2008-04-14 23:21

Season 5 completed :)

Neon IT

2008-05-02 23:31

Season 6 completed :)

Neon IT

2008-05-16 15:04

Some karts in Ep. 7.05 [*][*][*][*]:

[Image: pdvd07ov0.4112.jpg] [Image: pdvd022nk7.8554.jpg] [Image: pdvd024os4.2725.jpg] [Image: pdvd027el0.2179.jpg] [Image: pdvd043rk1.476.jpg] [Image: pdvd053ef6.3025.jpg]

Neon IT

2008-05-25 23:52

Season 7 completed :)

Neon IT

2008-06-06 20:22

Season 8 completed :)

Neon IT

2008-06-14 14:42

Season 9 completed :)

Neon IT

2008-07-22 00:24

Season 10 completed :)

Neon IT

2008-09-07 00:21

Season 11 completed :)

Neon IT

2009-06-15 14:33

Season 12 completed :)

CarChasesFanatic ES

2009-06-15 14:44

Very well done! :)

Ingo DE

2009-10-06 18:50

The TV-station RTL offers a private prolongation of the "Abwrackprämie", the government-paid wrecking bonus, we had from the 14th of January until Beginning of September this year:

When you give your own car to the Cobra 11-team for stunts, RTL pays 2500 € for it. And you can decide yourself, on which way your car shall be destroyed.

Gag Halfrunt UK

2009-10-06 19:35

Perhaps the Abwrackprämie (the real one) has made it hard for them to find cheap cars to crash.

BBDesign HU

2009-10-08 20:52

Ingo! It is a very good idea from RTL. In Hungary we just crying when we can see some of the nice cars which were destroyed under the "Abwrackprämie" (For example very good looking Volkswagen Golf III Variant, Mazda 626 etc.). I drive an 1999 Nissan Almera and now I bought an 1981 Opel Manta for hobby car, so I have two great cars, but I absolutely satisfied with any of the wrecked ones too, so if they must be die, let them the chance to be seen in this great serie, except in a good car chase and could be the part of the movie car history.

Ingo DE

2009-10-09 23:17

So you are thinking about to see one of your cars in the TV - and get 2500 € for it, too? ;)

-- Last edit: 2009-10-09 23:18:24

BBDesign HU

2009-10-10 13:51

I thought you would have written something like that :) Naturally I would never sell my beloved cars to anyone, especially not for a TV studio... They are so closed to Me, but I'm sure you know what I mean. ;)

Neon IT

2009-11-26 15:00

Season 13 completed :)

Ingo DE

2010-09-18 21:38

Meiner Meinung nach kannst du dir diese Listen klemmen, denn ich sehe keinen Sinn und keine Notwendigkeit darin, eine derart stumpfsinnige asoziale Kacke wie diesen Cobra 11-Dreck zu kommentieren oder gar zu rezensieren.

Ingo DE

2010-09-18 22:31

1. Ja, unverständlicherweise. Ich kann sie nicht ernstnehmen.

2. Kann man, muß man aber nicht.

3. Nur oberflächlich, ob evtl. interessante Autos zu sehen sind. Meist aber nicht, um die Verärgerung zu vermeiden, wenn wirklich schöne Stücke (d.h.für mich Old- und Youngtimer) von den Schwachmaten kaputtgemacht werden. Aber zugegebenermaßen hält sich das Action Concept-Team in dieser Hinsicht eher zurück.

Ingo DE

2010-09-18 23:26

Das wenigstens nicht. Was ich anhand der Bilder hier erkennen kann (das Original schaue ich ja nicht), scheinen es tatsächlich zusammengefummelte Schrottschüsseln zu sein.

Eines weiß ich auch als Cobra-Hasser, bzw.Ignorierer: bei den ganzen geschrotteten Neuwagen, auf jeden Fall bei den BMW's, handelt es sich um Vor- und Nullserien-Fahrzeuge, die nicht verkauft, sondern ohnehin verschrottet worden wären. So sind bei jedem Dreh, wo neue BMW's gecrasht werden, immer zwei BMW-Mitarbeiter dabei, die kontrollieren, daß zum einen die Fahrzeuge tatsächlich zerstört und weiterhin hinterher die Wracks und deren Teile komplett vernichtet werden. Auf keinen Fall darf etwas davon abgezockt und auf den Markt gebracht werden.

DynaMike NL

2010-09-18 23:34

"De gustibus non est disputandum", über Geschmack soll man nicht streiten. Auch wenn ich Ingo beifallen muß, wo es die Abneigung über diese Serie betrifft, finde ich, daß es jedem freisteht, dembezüglich eine ander Meinung zu haben. Und tatsächlich gibt es in dieser Fernsehserie eine Menge interessanter Fahrzeuge, wenn auch kein K70 oder Panhard dabei ist ;) Im algemeinen glaube ich, daß es wenig Sinn macht spöttisch negativ über anderer Geschmack zu reden; letzendlich sind wir alle daran interessiert möglichst viele interessante Autos zu sehen.

Ingo DE

2010-09-19 21:37

@Cobra ELF: sorry, I thought about a short explanation for non-German-speakers for courtesy-reasons, but I forgot it.

I wrote, that m.pfaffenenders listings of all cars in every episode are not really neccessary.

And that IMHO the intellectual aspiration of Cobra 11 is rather not very distinctive.

m.pfaffeneder DE

2010-10-01 23:03

In the current season, Semir and Ben present the new Kia Sportage, which is the sponsor of Alarm für Cobra 11. Furthermore you can win the car.

Unfortunately the video is in german. Very funny!!!

Cobra ELF FR

2010-10-02 00:11

If you are under 11, yes I agree, this is a funny advertising, if you are older... well, this is just appalling.
AFC 11 is not what it used to be, now this is just a cheap TV-Series for pimply teenagers who are dumb enough to even think AFC 11 is a good series.

M.pfaffeneder, I'm more than willing to cooperate with anyone here, especially with you since you suggested I should, but given that you do not take into account ANTP's request not to post useless comments, I find it hard to be cooperative here. Your lists are ABSOLUTELY unnecessary since they are actually the same as mine with mistakes I don't make and nobody gives a damn about which car crashes into what and how damaged a car is.

Any information about the series is OK, the link about the advertising was ok but you really need to pay attention to what you are posting here. That's just a piece of advice, but please, delete about 60% of the comments you posted over the last couple of weeks, I assure you, everybody will be grateful to you.

callamaris DE

2010-10-02 00:25

But don't you know we Germans can't possibly go to bed before everything is listed neat und tidy

m.pfaffeneder DE

2010-10-02 18:00

@Cobra ELF

I understand your excitement, of course, but how do you take the law that only you can write these lists? Because you already do more than I do? Unfortunately I can not help that the show is broadcast in Germany, apparently earlier than in other countries. In Germany there is a saying "first come first serve". Unless you are absolutely sure that only you set the lists and no other.

-- Last edit: 2010-10-02 18:01:08

Ingo DE

2010-10-03 00:08

He wants to say, that these lists are use- and senseless. And he is right with that. Noone reads them, no matter, who has posted them.

Cobra ELF FR

2010-10-04 16:06

I'm making a list for a specific reason. Robi started to make lists but there were numerous mistakes and that's why I was eager to make my own lists without any mistakes - and I assure you I'm talking with as much humility as possible. However, Robi has deleted all his lists now, only mine remain, with yours as well so now I'm not sure what I should you. I can remove my lists, but then yours will remain and if a list should remain on the page, I want it to be accurate. Those lists are irrelevant, because nobody cares about them. My only point was to draw an accurate list, being way more specific than Robi so that, at least one list published here was accurate.
If you delete yours M.p., I will delete mine. I would greatly upload pictures, unfortunately I don't have time for that.

Ingo DE

2011-01-19 20:47

Next weekend new episodes will be made. The actor/stuntman (on the passenger's seat) /vehicle_78494-Audi-80-Typ-89-1987.html told it yesterday. He is the kid's trainer in my fitness-club.


2011-06-19 00:01

i :love: alarm fur cobra 11 the better !

-- Last edit: 2011-06-19 00:01:52

sixcyl FR

2011-07-10 23:47

Aircrafts seen in this series listed at:
Link to ""

If someone knows correspondance between IMCB classification and IMCDb classifications for Ep.18.4, Ep.19.4 and Ep.26.02 it would be a great help. Thank you :)

Neon IT

2011-08-09 01:35

Season 14 completed :)

Robi DE

2011-08-29 11:56

I added a London Bus from an episode that is allready covered.
Here´s a picture in real life of it, it belongs to a (now abandoned) technical museum in Bad Oeynhauen, which is mentioned by Tom Kranich in the episode as he tries to identify the location.
Link to ""

The museum is in a real bad condition, several Soviet military planes, helicopters, tanks and trucks as well as smaller Wehrmacht tanks are rusting in the open air (according to the site I linked), the most rare exponats are a North American P-47 Thunderbolt and a Junkers Ju-88 found in a lake in the Netherlands.

-- Last edit: 2011-08-29 12:03:55

Neon IT

2011-08-29 13:21

Robi, it's too fuzzy. I've see the episode some days ago and you can barely see a red fuzzy 'thing'... You need to go frame-by frame for capture it. Anyway, since it's interesting add it in your comment about the museum

antp wrote See that with Neon :D But I guess he prefers add these himself...


Robi DE

2011-10-27 21:42

The famous phrase

"I love it when a plan comes together" was used by one of the gangsters in the newest episode.

R3399 IS

2011-11-26 14:38

It's an okay show, some of the crashes look realistic. They should however put more new-cars in it. Would look 1000x more awesome! :D

Would be around 20% cooler! :D

Ingo DE

2011-11-26 16:19

R3399 wrote some of the crashes look realistic.

So common, as daily discoverable on the Northern Icelandic highway network? :D

Neon IT

2012-06-10 20:43

Season 15 completed :)

S 415 GT DE

2012-09-16 11:46

They used 2 different 3-Series F30

A modern-line
[Image: bmw3modern.jpg]
and a sport-line
[Image: bmw3sport.jpg]

They only destroyed the sport-line
[Image: bmw3sport2.jpg] [Image: bmw3sport3.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2012-09-16 11:53:37

S 415 GT DE

2012-09-27 19:28

Ben will leave this series next Year: :(
Link to ""

rtsbusman1997 US

2012-10-10 02:14

Aw nuts.

Ingo DE

2013-02-28 18:02

My wife has said, that today at 20:15 we shall watch the new episode - beause some scenes were filmed around her office, when it still was a building site.
I don't now, if I can bear that :/

Sandie SX

2013-02-28 18:30

My old office was used in: /movie_1748888-Case-Histories.html

Ingo DE

2013-02-28 18:32

Sandie wrote My old office was used in: /movie_1748888-Case-Histories.html ?? :wow:

chicomarx BE

2013-03-01 00:28

ingo wrote My wife has said, that today at 20:15 we shall watch the new episode. I don't now, if I can bear that

:no: [Image: vintage.jpg]

Ingo DE

2013-03-01 13:23

Oough, about that topic -shoes- I never go with her. It causes extreme grumpiness! At me :mad:

Her office was visible in the chase-scenes of the Mercedes Coupé and the two-stroke-motorbike of the punk-girl. The parking under the motorway (it's the A52 in Düsseldorf on the left Rhine-side) is nearby that building. The last scene of the chase, when the girl fells from the motorbike, was filmed somewhere else.

Watching this episode was hardly bearable. Some funny comments, but otherwise too stupid, illogical and poorly made. Plot, acting, dialogues were worst, plus a plenty of goofs. My wife was a bit pissed about my ongoing nagging, but the last scene was too bad for her, too. Absolute idiotic, that a new BMW will be plundered, but the Xenon-headlights were left over...

-- Last edit: 2013-10-03 04:14:01 (Neon)

Robi DE

2013-03-01 14:40

It is just a tv-series, airing on tuesdays, one should not expect to much from it :D
The main actors Erdogan Atalay and Tom Beck are good ones (I've seen them in other roles, too), but sometimes the plot is really poor, it is just "seichte Kost", with sometimes very nice cars in it, and sometimes they seem to mook themselves, when it comes to unrealistic action and plotholes, they make fun of themselves and remind the viewer that it's just a series meant for entertainment, not teaching :D

Ingo DE

2013-03-02 14:32

robi wrote It is just a tv-series, airing on tuesdays, one should not expect to much from it :D
... but sometimes the plot is really poor, it is just "seichte Kost", ...

Let's say it clearer: the pain-in-the-ass-factor is really big... Well, it was slightly funny this time, because of Nadines office in the background, but that is enough for al ong while.

About all the TV-shit during the week (but at the weekends it's often even worse: then I better avoid TV-watching at all, when there are no documentations about travelling, history or politics.

m.pfaffeneder DE

2013-03-06 21:11

ingo wrote

... Absolute idiotic, that a new BMW will be plundered, but the Xenon-headlights were left over...

The BMW in this scene hadn´t had Xenon-headlights:
[Image: adobeflashplayer06032013210408.jpg] [Image: vollbildaufzeichnung06032013210432.jpg]
(no headlamp wash system)

[Image: 05-bmw-3er-kaufberatung-2012.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2013-03-06 21:13:10

S 415 GT DE

2013-03-06 21:16

it also hasnt got a BMW line.

opal TH

2013-04-10 15:12

Man...come to think, this might be the most destroyed vehicles in TV Seires ever made. Most of them are good condition/shape, doesn't look junk at all... :/

Ingo DE

2013-04-10 16:28

opal wrote Man...come to think, this might be the most destroyed vehicles in TV Seires ever made. Most of them are good condition/shape, doesn't look junk at all... :/

They use two kind of cars for smashing. The brand new premium cars, mostly BMW, but also Benzes and others, are free gifts from the makers, as pre-production-cars, which would be crushed anyways.
The other, older cars are representing the wide variety of the most worthless models on the German used car-market.

A time ago, in 2009, when the German government created the cash-for-clunkers- scrappage sheme "Abwrackprämie" (you got 2500 € from the government, when you have bought a new car and have wrecked an old car), the company "Action Concept", the makers of "Cobra 11" has offered the "Cobra11-Abwrackprämie". They paid you also 2500 € for your old car - and you could decide, on which way it shall be destroyed in the series.

S 415 GT DE

2013-04-10 16:49

For Example:

antp BE

2013-04-10 18:03

ingo wrote They paid you also 2500 € for your old car - and you could decide, on which way it shall be destroyed in the series.

That might explain all the tuning-cars :think:

There are still some sad cases, like the two SVX destroyed :o

opal TH

2013-04-10 18:44

So, those vehicles was junk after all? or they just want to smash it because it's cheap and worthless to used on the road?

Ingo DE

2013-04-10 18:48


m.pfaffeneder DE

2013-04-10 21:07

A scene from "Alarm für Cobra 11 - Das Syndikat" (computer game) in episode 33.08:
[Image: adobeflashplayer09042013200651.jpg] [Image: vollbildaufzeichnung09042013200710.jpg]

DonBarto PL

2013-07-25 20:43

Does anybody know which engine version of Mercedes CLA are these two cars:
[Image: 1002549_497168410357810_666666145_n.jpg]
It probably will be the new car used by Alex Brandt (new partner of Semir Gerkhan).

m.pfaffeneder DE

2013-07-25 20:46

I guess they´ll be CLA 250´s.

BTW: Where did you find this pic?

S 415 GT DE

2013-07-25 20:48

:( They should rather gave him the facelifted E-Klasse Coupè not this.

m.pfaffeneder DE

2013-07-25 20:49

S 415 GT wrote :( They should rather gave him the facelifted E-Klasse Coupè not this.

Indeed... No drifts anymore

Sandie SX

2013-07-25 20:55

On TV every car can drift.

m.pfaffeneder DE

2013-07-25 20:59

True, but only with the handbrake.

S 415 GT DE

2013-07-25 21:05

I found the pic:
Link to ""

m.pfaffeneder DE

2013-08-25 22:35

episode 07.11: someone here who knows this video game?
[Image: vollbildaufzeichnung25082013121723.jpg] [Image: vollbildaufzeichnung25082013121741.jpg]

Robi DE

2013-08-25 22:59

Need for Speed: High Stakes?
("Brennender Asphalt" in Germany).
I'm not sure, but that would be a guess.

karoomay SY

2013-08-25 23:09

You are correct robi, one of the many PS1 games I used to play as a kid. :)

Robi DE

2013-08-25 23:30

I played NFS 3: Hot Pursuit as a kid, but on PC. I really loved it :D

karoomay SY

2013-08-25 23:56

I had NFS 3 both on the PS1 and PC, lots of fun childhood memories with those games and one of my all time favorite NFS game. :king:

Robi DE

2013-08-26 00:03

In my opinion, those old pixelated NFS games were far better than the modern ones with HD graphics.

m.pfaffeneder DE

2013-08-26 00:42

I had my first experiences with video games at the age of 5. My brothers gave me their Game Boy Classic with Super Mario, Doctor Mario and Tetris. I really loved these games. First car game was the excellent NFS Underground 1 on Game Cube. Unfortunately I sold my GC with all the games last year. That annoys me a lot, but my nephew still got his GC.

@robi: The old graphics were absolutely great, there is no doubt about that. But it´s really astonishing how good the graphics are, nowadays. Well, I can´t wait to buy GTA 5 :love: :D

Robi DE

2013-09-10 11:18

Some planes in 33.06:
[Image: flugzeug1.1.jpg] [Image: flugzeug2.jpg]

Robi DE

2013-09-10 11:22

Plane in 33.07:
[Image: learjet.jpg]

Robi DE

2013-09-10 12:23

Plane in 33.03:
[Image: learjet2.jpg]

Robi DE

2013-09-11 09:45

Junkyard pics from 26.06:
[Image: schrottplatz1.jpg] [Image: schrottplatz2.jpg] [Image: schrottplatz3.jpg] [Image: schrottplatz4.jpg] [Image: schrottplatz5.jpg] [Image: schrottplatz6.jpg] [Image: schrottplatz7.jpg] [Image: schrottplatz8.jpg] [Image: schrottplatz9.jpg] [Image: schrottplatz10.jpg] [Image: schrottplatz11.jpg] [Image: schrottplatz12.jpg] [Image: schrottplatz13.jpg]

Bender Autoverwertung, Leverkusen

These scenes were filmed in 2009, the year of the "Abwrackprämie"...

Robi DE

2013-09-11 11:57

For rjluna2: Traffic lights in episode 29.05
[Image: ampel1.jpg] [Image: ampel2.jpg]

These traffic lights are located at the junction Königsallee / Benrather Straße in Düsseldorf.
Königsallee is a very high prized shopping street.

rjluna2 US

2013-09-11 13:49

robi wrote For rjluna2: Traffic lights in episode 29.05

Danke schön, robi!

My comments at Traffic Lights in Internet Movie Car Database.

sixcyl FR

2013-09-14 17:46


Thanks for new contributions with aircraft pictures.
I've stopped posting pictures on IMPDB since a bug has occured with the site(Pictures can't display correctly). So I'm waiting the problem beeing fixed by the admins of IMDB before continuing feedind the site with new film.
In the meanwhile I record on my DD all aircraft pictures sent by contributors. Thanks, and keep on sending new pics!!! ;)

m.pfaffeneder DE

2013-09-15 14:46

BMW 507 poster in episode 9.02:
[Image: vollbildaufzeichnung14092013224222.jpg]

Robi DE

2013-09-17 13:46

28.05 [*]
1976 Ford Gran Torino, seen on a poster of "Starsky & Hutch"
[Image: grantorinoturboundtacho.jpg]


Robi DE

2013-09-17 18:33

29.06 [*]
Could this be a Saturn Ion?
[Image: saturn.jpg]

S 415 GT DE

2013-09-17 18:56

Hmmm... Can be, I can't think of someting similar. If it is, it should definatley be listed. Although quiet background and US cars are common in Germany. I've never seen a Saturn Ion in Germany (some SL, SW, L-Series, Aura, VUE, but no Ion.)

Neon IT

2013-10-03 04:05

A Pentax MZ-S from Ep. 16.01 for Internet Movie Cameras Database:

[Image: pdvd_155.jpg]

sixcyl FR

2013-10-26 18:28

Last aircraft added on IMPDb:
Link to ""

Robi DE

2013-10-28 15:19

Some traffic lights for rjluna2:
[Image: ampeltodesfahrt1.jpg] [Image: ampeltodesfahrt2.jpg]

[Image: ampeltodausdemmotor1.jpg]

[Image: ampelzwischenallensthlen.jpg]

[Image: ampelfeindlichebrder.jpg]

[Image: ampelwehrlos1.jpg]

[Image: ampelvaterundsohn1.jpg]

[Image: ampeleintieferfall.jpg] [Image: ampeleintieferfall2.jpg]

[Image: ampelabschied.jpg]

14.01 (Same location as 9.04)
[Image: ampelfeuertaufe1.jpg]

[Image: ampelfalschesignale2.jpg] [Image: ampelfalschesignale3.jpg] [Image: ampelfalschesignale4.jpg] [Image: ampelfalschesignale5.jpg]

[Image: ampelcountdown.jpg]

[Image: ampelsabotage.jpg] [Image: ampelsabotage2.jpg]

[Image: ampeldiezeugin.jpg]

[Image: ampelwerwindst.jpg]

[Image: ampelcomeback1.jpg] [Image: ampelcomeback2.jpg]

[Image: ampelzivilcourage1.jpg]

[Image: ampelderletztecoup.jpg]

[Image: ampelderfahrer1.jpg] [Image: ampelderfahrer2.jpg] [Image: ampelderfahrer3.jpg] [Image: ampelderfahrer4.jpg]

[Image: ampelunterdruck.jpg]

[Image: ampeldaskomplott.jpg]

Some more will come later.

Robi DE

2014-01-01 16:41

Some aircraft in Ep. 17.05
[Image: jgerundgejagteflugzeug1.jpg] [Image: jgerundgejagteflugzeug2.jpg] [Image: jgerundgejagteflugzeug3.jpg] [Image: jgerundgejagteflugzeug4.jpg]

Robi DE

2014-01-01 16:47

Aircraft in Ep. 21.03
[Image: nemesisflugzeug1.jpg] [Image: nemesisflugzeug2.jpg] [Image: nemesisflugzeug3.jpg]

Robi DE

2014-01-01 16:48

British Airways plane in Ep. 19.02
[Image: amabgrundflugzeug.jpg]

Robi DE

2014-01-01 16:57

Aircraft in Ep. 19.06

[Image: flashbackflugzeug1.jpg] [Image: flashbackflugzeug2.jpg] [Image: flashbackflugzeug3.jpg] [Image: flashbackflugzeug4.jpg] [Image: flashbackflugzeug5.jpg] [Image: flashbackflugzeug6.jpg] [Image: flashbackflugzeug7.jpg] [Image: flashbackflugzeug8.jpg] [Image: flashbackflugzeug9.jpg]

Robi DE

2014-01-01 17:00

Aircraft in Ep. 21.07
[Image: todfeindeflugzeug1.jpg] [Image: todfeindeflugzeug2.jpg] [Image: todfeindeflugzeug3.jpg]

Robi DE

2014-01-01 17:12

Aircraft in Ep. 23.04
[Image: lebenundlebenlassenflugzeug1.jpg] [Image: lebenundlebenlassenflugzeug.jpg] [Image: lebenundlebenlassenflugzeug6.jpg] [Image: lebenundlebenlassenflugzeug2.jpg] [Image: lebenundlebenlassenflugzeug3.jpg] [Image: lebenundlebenlassenflugzeug4.jpg] [Image: lebenundlebenlassenflugzeug5.jpg] [Image: lebenundlebenlassenflugzeug7.jpg] [Image: lebenundlebenlassenflugzeug8.jpg] [Image: lebenundlebenlassenflugzeug9.jpg] [Image: lebenundlebenlassenflugzeug10.jpg] [Image: lebenundlebenlassenflugzeug11.jpg] [Image: lebenundlebenlassenflugzeug12.jpg] [Image: lebenundlebenlassenflugzeug13.jpg]

Robi DE

2014-01-01 17:18

Aircraft in Ep. 34.01
[Image: auferstehungflugzeug1.jpg] [Image: auferstehungflugzeug2.jpg] [Image: auferstehungflugzeug3.jpg] [Image: auferstehungflugzeug4.jpg] [Image: auferstehungflugzeug5.jpg]

Robi DE

2014-01-02 14:43

Aircraft in Ep. 21.01
[Image: auflebenundtodhubschrauber.jpg]


2014-01-07 20:37

robi wrote Aircraft in Ep. 23.04
[Image: lebenundlebenlassenflugzeug13.jpg]

I am having trouble finding this particular episode title (with the epi number provided) and air date that featured the helo, can you advise please. Thank you.

m.pfaffeneder DE

2014-01-07 20:50

RRR wrote

I am having trouble finding this particular episode title (with the epi number provided) and air date that featured the helo, can you advise please. Thank you.

It´s episode "Leben und leben lassen".

Release date: 3. April 2008


2014-01-07 21:29

OK, thanks. It is what I just viewed on a site apparently only the part 1 (40 minutes) of it as did not see the aircraft depicted. will check it out further. thisis what I viewed Link to ""

-- Last edit: 2014-01-07 21:36:24

m.pfaffeneder DE

2014-01-07 21:50

You watched "Kurze Rast" which is a much older episode.


2014-01-07 22:08

Yes, I see now where I made my mistake when searching - sorry

Robi DE

2014-01-08 10:15

If you want I can try to rip the episode from the DVD and send it to you.


2014-01-09 12:50

robi wrote If you want I can try to rip the episode from the DVD and send it to you.

No that is OK, I do appreciate the offer, thank you

Robi DE

2014-01-12 18:32

Nice Mini Cooper - based camera car:
[Image: minicoopercamcar1.jpg] [Image: minicoopercamcar2.jpg]

Robi DE

2014-01-15 13:10

Very nice MG TF in 34.04 [*]
[Image: mgtf.jpg]

DonBarto PL

2014-01-27 20:45

Some new photos from the set of 35 season.

2013 Mercedes-Benz CLA [C117]
[Image: dsc02309.jpg] [Image: dsc02310.jpg] [Image: dsc02392.jpg] [Image: dsc02389.jpg]

2013 Porsche 911 Carrera S [991]
[Image: dsc02329.jpg] [Image: dsc02361.jpg]

2005 Chrysler 300C
[Image: dsc02414.jpg]

2009 Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse T
2007 Mercedes-Benz C-Klasse
[Image: dsc02330.jpg]

2010 BMW X1
2013 Mercedes-Benz GLK [X204]
[Image: dsc02333.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2014-03-03 17:21:17

Purzel89 DE

2014-03-18 23:47

So obvious goofs:

[Image: _20140318-23313006.jpg] [Image: _20140318-23332710.jpg] [Image: goof.jpg] [Image: goof2.jpg]

You can see the crane in first thumb who makes the footages of third thumb. It looks like they noticed their mistake and just placed some rescue cars in some shots later but after the intro these cars vanish into fin air again as you can see the road far but they are not there (last thumb).

For IMTrainDB:

[Image: _20140901-13563103.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2014-09-01 13:58:37

Robi DE

2014-05-22 10:28

A photo of Semir and Ben together with Niki Lauda in 33.01:
[Image: cobra11nikilauda.jpg]

Made during the 2008 Italian GP at Monza, when the actors Atalay and Beck visited the F1.

Robi DE

2014-08-27 19:09

New episodes will come in October, one of them filmed at the Nürburgring during the DTM weekend, with also a small part for Ralf Schumacher.

EDIT: The one with Schumacher in it will be shown in the season afterwards.

-- Last edit: 2014-09-26 17:06:34


2014-09-24 14:44

"BUM!" :sun:

m.pfaffeneder DE

2014-10-10 17:37

I will add new pics and cars from the newest season in the next days.

Robi DE

2014-10-13 19:40

@ m.pfaffeneder:
I also will add some background vehicles, and I leave the important ones for you. Don't forget to create a new page for the Mercedes coupé, as it should be listed seperatly from Ben's car.

Robi DE

2014-10-16 22:44

Dear admins,
before deleting pages like the Opel Adam, keep in mind that the pictures will soon be replaced with better ones, and that some of these are quite rare (new Actros, Opel Adam, Manta SR, etc.)

Sandie SX

2014-10-16 22:47

It was not me who deleted those, but that Adam is far, far too background to be added especially in a series like this with so many cars. It is only rare on the site as it is a newish model.

antp BE

2014-10-17 15:36

Have you seen how big is this page? And as Sandie said, it is rare only because recent.
If it is a commercial flop and they stop it before making many, then yes it will be rare.
Also, if there will be better pics later justifying listing it, rather wait for the better pics before adding it, that makes less work for the admins than having to replace pics later.

bmw-driver US

2014-10-23 02:03

Excuse me if this is off-topic, but have you seen the plates in the recent episodes?
I've noticed a minor action vehicle with license plate [K:PL 986] in 36.02.
Is RTL and ActionConcept trying to flash us back to a few episodes from Seasons 17-20 or something (with the K:PL part)?

-- Last edit: 2014-10-24 04:23:20

Robi DE

2014-11-02 11:04

These vehicles should be deleted, pictures and thumbnails should be put on the already existing pages of the same vehicle.


I don't know why my recent additions to this rather messy, abandoned page were deleted, as they helped to clean up the mess here. I know that some of the mess here was caused by me, so please let me at least list the remaining two or three seasons (16 - 18) to get this page up to date, it is one of the biggest in the database and deserves to be in good state.

Neon IT

2014-11-02 13:22

No, and the reply is here: /vehicle.php?id=620706 why you keep posting pointless and common background vehicles for a page already heavy and full of cars with a role? And now you're asking to delete pages that you added because they're double. Why didn't you checked before adding a page of a car similar to another already listed?
Please countinue to add vehicles only for the newer seasons. Let me work on older episodes ;)

Robi DE

2014-11-02 13:54

Many of the vehicles that should be deleted were added as unknown, because I was unsure of the exact model name and needed the help of experts on certain vehicles. But to be honest, this page really looks abandoned, that's why I tried to get at least some nice cars listed.

antp BE

2014-11-03 17:04

robi wrote These vehicles should be deleted, pictures and thumbnails should be put on the already existing pages of the same vehicle.

You can post the thumbnail and episode info on the new target page, and then post a link on the page-to-be-deleted pointing to the one were you posted the comment, asking to remove the duplicate.

bmw-driver US

2014-12-06 01:07

robi, I could help you out on identifying those unknown vehicles.

Robi DE

2014-12-08 22:58

That would be very nice :)

bmw-driver US

2015-03-07 23:48

Hey guys!
Just watched the trailer; the first episode of Season 37 of Cobra 11 is going to feature the first time they've wrecked an actual European muscle car (the Mercedes C63 AMG Black). I'm anticipating several screenshots of a thrilling chase in the first episode, as well as that of the double episode! :)

bmw-driver US

2015-04-29 07:02

Question: what was that Volkswagen stolen by Hofer in the beginning of 37.03?

Robi DE

2015-04-29 20:30

bmw-driver wrote Question: what was that Volkswagen stolen by Hofer in the beginning of 37.03?

It was a /vehicle_28601-Volkswagen-Phaeton-Typ-3D-2003.html . A luxury car which never really got foothold on the market already dominated by Audi, BMW and Mercedes. I understand why you're asking, since the Phaeton was taken out of Volkswagen's model lineup in the United States very fast, because it sold even worse in the USA.

bmw-driver US

2015-05-09 05:19

Ah, thanks!

-- Last edit: 2016-04-18 06:09:04

bmw-driver US

2015-05-26 04:41

Stunt picture of Cobra 11's 38th season in Tirane; have a guess as to what car this is that's being highlighted. (Note: this picture is in low quality, sorry!)
[Image: Screenshot_43.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2015-05-26 04:42:31

Phaeton PL

2015-05-30 23:53

bmw-driver wrote Stunt picture of Cobra 11's 38th season in Tirane; have a guess as to what car this is that's being highlighted. (Note: this picture is in low quality, sorry!)
[Image: Screenshot_43.jpg]

It's Porsche Cayenne

bmw-driver US

2015-08-03 04:33

Silverstone wrote Looks like Europe's answer to fastlane

Fast Lane came after Cobra 11; I'd think it's America's more expensive answer to Cobra 11.

Robi DE

2015-08-04 11:00

RTL has fired actor Vinzenz Kiefer (Alex Brandt), because they do not want to make these very serious and dark Cobra 11 episodes any longer. According to them, they want to bring more comedy in that series. :mad:

bmw-driver US

2015-08-05 19:19

robi wrote RTL has fired actor Vinzenz Kiefer (Alex Brandt), because they do not want to make these very serious and dark Cobra 11 episodes any longer. According to them, they want to bring more comedy in that series. :mad:

They're probably going to keep the Mercedes CLA in the series after Kiefer's departure, but I'm sure the vehicle Semir Gerkhan will use in the season after this next one will change to the 330i F30 to keep the plate's namesake.

rtsbusman1997 US

2015-08-05 23:39

robi wrote RTL has fired actor Vinzenz Kiefer (Alex Brandt), because they do not want to make these very serious and dark Cobra 11 episodes any longer. According to them, they want to bring more comedy in that series. :mad:

To be fair, I have seen bits and pieces of the new seasons and it has gotten quite dark, which isn't exactly where this series spends it's time in (or makes it's point to be.) Besides, he's the only one to have been fired, so there could have been something else going on behind the scenes nobody will admit to.


2015-08-12 11:32

[Image: 1.jpg] [Image: 3.jpg] [Image: 4.jpg] [Image: 5.jpg]

DonBarto PL

2015-08-23 01:38

The new kommissar will be Paul Renner played by Daniel Roesner, who took part in the series twice, as Tacho (in 28.05 and 30.04). Photo: Link to ""

Well I hope that this "more comedy" style will be more like Tom's era (or Jan's or even Ben's in 34 season) and not as stupid as most of Ben's episodes.

bmw-driver US

2015-09-12 08:49

If you have seen the pilot episode "Vendetta", then you already know they've wrecked the BMW 328i M-Sport for the first time.
I wonder if they'll do it again later in the series...

According to a news video, Paul Renner WILL be using a new Mercedes-Benz; a dark blue C-Class W205 in season 39, possibly similar to the one Alex Brandt used in "Wo ist Semir?".

-- Last edit: 2015-09-13 09:25:01

Robi DE

2015-09-23 14:48

I've put new main pictures from Season 37 in the comments, they should be updated.

DonBarto PL

2015-10-29 21:31

This C-Class in the background is probably Paul's car that will be used since Season 39.

S 415 GT DE

2015-10-29 21:44

It is a rental car from Sixt, usually the ones used in the series are dierctly provided by Mercedes.

DonBarto PL

2015-12-01 18:28

Interesting new photo from the set:
[Image: 3510303329.jpg]

First, it's facelift F30. :love:
Second, looks like it has fake badge - there's no 328i in facelift engine range. Or it's pre-facelift model with facelift taillights added (just like they did it with E46).

bmw-driver US

2015-12-03 22:25

Maybe it's a US-Spec 328i (they still use that badge and engine over here), or a 330i.


2015-12-04 12:19

I had trouble finding this show on imcdb

Purzel89 DE

2016-01-13 00:09

robi wrote For rjluna2: Traffic lights in episode 29.05
[Image: ampel1.jpg] [Image: ampel2.jpg]

These traffic lights are located at the junction Königsallee / Benrather Straße in Düsseldorf.
Königsallee is a very high prized shopping street.

Same junction in Episode 27.02. Picture 1 is mirrored:

[Image: unbenannt.29.jpg] [Image: trafficlight.1.jpg] [Image: trafficlight2.2.jpg] [Image: trafficlight3.2.jpg] [Image: trafficlight4.1.jpg] [Image: trafficlight5.1.jpg] [Image: trafficlight6.1.jpg]

rjluna2 US

2016-01-13 02:02

Purzel89 wrote Same junction in Episode 27.02. Picture 1 is mirrored:

My comments has been updated at Traffic Lights in Internet Movie Car Database.

DonBarto PL

2016-01-24 11:26

New trailer of 39 season: click

Now we can see new car that will be used by Paul and it's "stock" C-Class W205:
[Image: cklas1.jpg] [Image: cklas2.jpg] [Image: cklas3.jpg]

bmw-driver US

2016-01-26 04:02

It looks more "Avantgarde" to me than "Stock". Chrome strips are visible on the side skirts under the doors, and the grille seems more shinier.

Also, though it is difficult to see, Semir may be using the facelifted BMW 328i/330i F30 M-Sport. I'm saying 328i because in some countries, they still use the badge and motor from the 2012-2015 model.

-- Last edit: 2016-01-26 04:07:02

Robi DE

2016-02-22 09:54

According to this article, they wrecked a Nissan 350Z in one of the future episodes (and also a Vectra & Mondeo):
Link to ""

bmw-driver US

2016-02-24 00:44

Robi wrote According to this article, they wrecked a Nissan 350Z in one of the future episodes (and also a Vectra & Mondeo):
Link to ""

Oh, God no... :(

DonBarto PL

2016-02-26 18:56

bmw-driver wrote It looks more "Avantgarde" to me than "Stock". Chrome strips are visible on the side skirts under the doors, and the grille seems more shinier.

Well, the main difference between "Stock" and "Avantgarde" are two chrome strips in the bumper (right under the lights) and you can clearly see that there ain't so.

Here another photo showing Paul and Semir's cars. Another proof that Semir will be using facelifted F30:
[Image: 12745970_1042791775777623_7062542921853022405_n.jpg]

And it looks like they gonna crash Mercedes AMG-GT in 39.01! I guess it's pre-production model or even some replica.
[Image: 8210437_bb7d6b6ca8343353c485eb419b5bb99e_1280re0.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2016-02-26 18:57:01

bmw-driver US

2016-02-26 23:04

DonBarto wrote
And it looks like they gonna crash Mercedes AMG-GT in 39.01! I guess it's pre-production model or even some replica.
[Image: 8210437_bb7d6b6ca8343353c485eb419b5bb99e_1280re0.jpg]

Perhaps the former.


2016-03-01 19:12

Where did you get the AMG-GT and Cayenne picture?

DonBarto PL

2016-03-14 18:15

@aolju, from, where you can find many pictures of new episodes - at this moment 39.01, 39.02 and 39.03.

By the way! Here's quite good view on new Paul's Mercedes-Benz C-Class (altough picture is rather small):
[Image: large_rtl_160421_2015_29015857_alarm_fuer_cobra_11-die_autobahnpolizei.jpg]

DonBarto PL

2016-03-30 19:08

Digicopter (company that makes dynamic shots for AFC11) published a new video with some great shots including BMW 6 Cabrio and a lot of Paul's MB C-Class: click

[Image: digi1.jpg] [Image: digi4.jpg] [Image: digi5.jpg] [Image: digi7.jpg] [Image: digi9.jpg]

bmw-driver US

2016-03-31 22:42

According to the recently released trailer, there will be the destruction of a new Jaguar XF...
Also, the CLA will be reused in at least one episode.

-- Last edit: 2016-04-09 06:23:49

DonBarto PL

2016-04-04 22:02

deleted comment

bmw-driver US

2016-04-05 03:04

deleted comment

DonBarto PL

2016-04-10 18:24

Toy chase from the very beginning of 39.01 with a lot of classics, including Ford Capri, police Porsche 911 and some backgound Golg GTIs, Audi Quattros and VW Käfers:
[Image: chase1.jpg] [Image: chase2.jpg] [Image: chase3.jpg] [Image: chase4.jpg] [Image: chase5.jpg] [Image: chase6.jpg] [Image: chase7.jpg] [Image: chase8.jpg] [Image: chase9.jpg] [Image: chase10.jpg] [Image: chase11.jpg]

Robi DE

2016-04-11 12:15

Episode 39.05 will have a BMW i8 in it.

bmw-driver US

2016-04-13 04:09

And a later episode (39.06) will include the destruction of a current-day BMW Streifenwagen.

Also, here's a picture of Semir's "brand new" BMW at the Spring 2016 Cobra 11 premiere.
[Image: screenshot63.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2018-09-27 06:27:00

Purzel89 DE

2016-05-12 00:16

Definitely not a real Jaguar XF-R. A greenish tint over the rear end which is something that can happen if you put CGI on a moving vector. The tone of the CGI thing is slightly lighter than its surroundings. And the headlights are only stickers. The front bumper grilles are from an R, but the grille has no R logo. All sparings for the headlights on the lower line of the hood dont fit either. But if its not Jaguar, what could it be?

[Image: unbenannt.30.jpg] [Image: unbenannt2.2.jpg] [Image: analyzing.jpg]

(The photo of a XF-R is mirrored)

Footage is from a tv spot for the episode that aired on 11 May 2016.

-- Last edit: 2016-05-12 00:32:15


2016-05-13 12:44

The CG is probably for that missile. The car crashing in the second picture could be a regular XF with R pieces in it. It's definetly a real car and, if it's another vehicle other than a Jaguar, the "camouflage" is extremely good... :think:

bmw-driver US

2016-08-07 16:31

Is anyone hyped for the start of Season 40 on September 1st? I know I am! :)

Robi DE

2016-08-13 15:15

I am, because in one episode, I may be visible during a gunfight scene, in which Semir & Paul get attacked by some gunmen in a Dodge Ram pick-up.

mike962 DE

2017-05-26 01:16

here a small challenge for our experts,

why are those 2 warning lights on ??? , this is the BMW in later seaons but you seem them in various cars over the series ...

[Image: untilted.57.jpg]

Baube QC

2017-05-26 01:30

i'm not an expert ( far from it actually ) but i have a theory :
they disabled some of the cars features ( airbags, ABS, etc ) for some scenes ?

mike962 DE

2017-05-26 09:56

^ correct

with most cars they actually remove the airbargs completely, for most modern cars the deactivate the ESP too

mike962 DE

2017-05-31 18:17

with a face like this she would be ideal for american slasher movies :lol: :lol:

[Image: untilted.58.jpg]

Robi DE

2017-05-31 19:02

Haha, looks like the scene when she discovered that she had sex with Hartmut :D

mike962 DE

2017-06-01 19:18

robi wrote Haha, looks like the scene when she discovered that she had sex with Hartmut :D

she had a romantic scene with Tom Beck but not in Cobra 11... :lol:

-- Last edit: 2017-06-01 19:18:23

mike962 DE

2017-06-02 18:11

ep 38.03 would this classify as VEHICLE ? you can see the wheels at bottom

[Image: untilted.59.jpg] [Image: untilted.60.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2017-06-02 18:12:19

antp BE

2017-06-02 18:15

it is fine here, no reason to make a page "Made for Movie fake plane cockpit on unknown wheeled chassis" :p
(and there are already way too many vehicles on this page)

mike962 DE

2017-06-02 18:17

Antoine you know this is probably the biggest page on IMCDB and it will keep growing as the series is stil produced after 20 years...

mike962 DE

2017-06-06 09:52

[Image: untilted.64.jpg]

mike962 DE

2017-06-10 21:39

an annoying thing about the series

they had some many know german TV actresses guest starring like Wolke Hegenbarth, Bettina Zimmermann, Nina Bott, Astrid M. Fünderich, Nadeshda Brennicke etc etc but they never got Alexandra Neldel for some reason :o

Link to ""

bmw-driver US

2017-09-02 21:40

[Image: screenshot_20170902-143452.jpg]
Interesting production photo from Lion Wasczyk's official Instagram. They've wrecked an X3 F25, but looking closely, it has the same plates as Alex's Mercedes from back in 2014.

Also, new season starts September 14th.

-- Last edit: 2017-09-02 21:42:11

Robi DE

2017-09-04 07:28

In the latest trailer for the new season we see a 2015+ Ford Mustang exploding after some men dressed in East German army (NVA) uniforms shot at it.

mike962 DE

2017-09-24 19:50

41.02 Castor Troy wannabe :lol: :D ruthless killer with 2 golden pistols , think they are even same model COLT 45

this episode felt like a RUN LOLA RUN rehash minus the time warps

[Image: untitled.2268.jpg]
[Image: face-off-image-face-off-36276017-600-900.jpg]

and the previous episode some nudity and scenes like this, BTW I find the character of Dana annoying :o
[Image: untitled.2269.jpg] [Image: untitled2.89.jpg] [Image: untitled.2270.jpg]

and some really bad projection
[Image: untitled.2271.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2017-09-24 20:09:42

Ingo DE

2017-09-24 20:12

mike962 wrote 41.02 Castor Troy wannabe :lol: :D ruthless killer with 2 golden pistols , think they are even same model COLT 45
this episode felt like a RUN LOLA RUN rehash minus the time warps

[Image: untitled.2268.jpg]

It's pointless to shoot in this way. It does not work at all.
We've tried that at my Bundeswehr-service times, when we had to get rid of some ammunition.

mike962 wrote
and the previous episode some nudity and scenes like this, BTW I find the character of Dana annoying :o
[Image: untitled.2269.jpg] [Image: untitled2.89.jpg] [Image: untitled.2270.jpg]

Who cares about the characters, the plot or the message of Cobra 11? :p

mike962 DE

2017-09-24 20:21

Ingo to be honest even the chases suck, :o they are rather short and you don't have those massive majestic crashes like in the old seasons and I am fed up seeing this private "Autobahn" too, supposedly the producers think to shoot on actual location again

add to that some bad CGI like this and the usual Michael Bay inspired cinematography and photography
[Image: untitled.2272.jpg]

maybe they don't have the budget they used to have ????

another thing I noticed they DO license some mainstream music in this episode they had DURAN DURAN - ORDINARY WORLD

-- Last edit: 2017-09-24 20:28:32

Gamer DE

2017-09-24 20:38

After Ben was introduced, the series went downhill.

Baube QC

2017-09-24 20:41

i don't know how annoying she might be... but easier on the eyes than all those sacrified vehicles... :D

mike962 DE

2017-09-24 20:43

Oh we agree here, the Tom Kranich (René Steinke) era was hands down the best even if most episodes were very standard formula, Chase/crash opening , chase/ crash in the middle of episode and a final showdown

the opener of the Tom Kranich era "Höllenfahrt auf der A4" is probably the best episode of the series (and it didn't actually have any real villains :o ) also enjoyed "Todesfahrt der Linie 834"

everything in those was practical and with beautiful natural photography , not overedited shit and of course lots or car carnage :D

also miss Bonrath and Herzberger
[Image: c4c6fa2d82_51927334_o2.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2017-09-24 20:49:42

mike962 DE

2017-09-26 21:45

Baube wrote i don't know how annoying she might be... but easier on the eyes than all those sacrified vehicles... :D

her name is Gizem Emre

-- Last edit: 2017-09-26 21:45:41

mike962 DE

2017-10-09 19:52

:D :lol:

[Image: untitled.1687.jpg]

seriously Hollywood should cast Katrinchen in slasher horror flicks

-- Last edit: 2017-10-09 19:55:21


2017-10-09 20:01

mike962 wrote
seriously Hollywood should cast Katrinchen in slasher horror flicks

[Image: horror_2382351b.jpg]

Baube QC

2017-10-09 21:56

mike962 wrote :D :lol:

[Image: untitled.1687.jpg]

seriously Hollywood should cast Katrinchen in slasher horror flicks

poor girl,give her a break, she just discovered that her cell phone is out of batteries ( or there is no connection ).. :D

mike962 DE

2017-10-12 17:22

Season 41 complete !!

bmw-driver US

2017-10-13 06:59

mike962 wrote Season 41 complete !!

Still missing several pictures of Semir's BMW, Paul's Mercedes and other enemy cars. I can take care of that.

mike962 DE

2017-10-22 19:48

Michael Bay plagiarism

[Image: untitled.2202.jpg]

NVA is alive again :p
[Image: untitled.2206.jpg] [Image: untitled.2207.jpg] [Image: untitled.2208.jpg]

[Image: untitled.2209.jpg] [Image: untitled.2210.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2017-10-22 20:24:16

bmw-driver US

2017-11-02 03:59

42.06: Straight from Stephen King's "The Shining".
[Image: screenshot102.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2017-12-31 07:45:50

sixcyl FR

2017-12-16 16:02

Aircraft Link to ""

Completed with robi's and mike962's contributions. Thanks to them :)

Purzel89 DE

2017-12-22 04:44

When you do 42.08 "Alles aus Liebe". There is an Remondis (they named it "Nemantis" :D ) Garbage truck and a Fiat Stilo to catch. ;)

-- Last edit: 2017-12-22 04:44:48

mike962 DE

2017-12-27 15:12

42.06 Cobra 11 are now moonlighting as Ghostbusters :lol:

[Image: untitled.2563.jpg]

mike962 DE

2017-12-27 16:12

sixcyl wrote Aircraft Link to ""

Completed with robi's and mike962's contributions. Thanks to them :)

here for the helicopter from Jenseits von Eden . should be very easy to ID now

[Image: untitled.2569.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2017-12-27 16:14:13

sixcyl FR

2018-01-01 09:43

Done. Thanks mike!
Link to ""

mike962 DE

2018-01-07 16:16

Purzel89 wrote When you do 42.08 "Alles aus Liebe". There is an Remondis (they named it "Nemantis" :D ) Garbage truck and a Fiat Stilo to catch. ;)

got them

and a very nice Airstream motorhome :D

-- Last edit: 2018-01-07 16:16:56

Ondra CZ

2018-01-07 19:32

I used to be fan, but one day this went totally downhill.Around Ben introduction.

I dont know which spectators they are now aiming, for kids its too violent for adult stupid with everything over the top...

-- Last edit: 2018-01-07 19:32:54

killstreak451 US

2018-01-20 22:51

i think the show is marketed to third world countries

mike962 DE

2018-02-05 20:23

season 42 DONE and so is the series so far !!!

time for the admin to make cleanups

bmw-driver US

2018-03-16 03:01

Looks like Fr. Krüger is going to use an X4 from Season 43 on.

Mystery Man DE

2018-04-20 20:10

[Image: b.4.jpg] [Image: a.19.jpg]
I just added Neon´s unlisted vehicles from 1.01 into existing or new pages, so after 10 years "Bomben bei Kilometer 92" is now completed!

-- Last edit: 2018-04-20 21:24:59

Mystery Man DE

2018-05-06 18:06

deleted comment


2018-05-08 03:16

The YouTube uploading video and RTL being legal?

mike962 DE

2018-05-11 20:08

Mystery Man hattest Shots mit den geilen Schauspieleren machen die in der Serie auftauchen :D

-- Last edit: 2018-05-11 20:13:22

Gamer DE

2018-06-05 15:03

For the first time last night I watched a pre-Ben episode (Gegen die Zeit)

You wouldn't believe what a relief it was to see actual story, senseful action, smartly played comedy and real excitement in this series.

-- Last edit: 2018-06-05 15:04:19

mike962 DE

2018-06-05 15:31

RTL NITRO airs the old pre Ben seasons and you fully see how much better it was

-- Last edit: 2018-06-05 15:32:00

Mystery Man DE

2018-06-05 15:56

Indeed, the pre-Ben episodes were better. And the very old episodes with Frank or André, which were not aired for nearly 15 years, and then the seasons with Tom and Jan are to me even better than the episodes 21.01+, too.
And except 35.01 up to 38.09.

-- Last edit: 2018-06-05 15:59:07

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2018-06-05 18:34

Yeah, I usually stick to the older episodes. Nowadays, it feels like this show is still being produced and aired just for the car wrecks.

Ondra CZ

2018-06-06 00:35

Episodes with Andre are pure gold, mostly thanks to soundtrack by Reinhard Scheuregger and overall realistic and dark feel.

I dont know why Mark Keller returned in another "end of world" pilot and completely destroyed Andre Fux legacy...

Episodes with Ben are completely trash, only good for watching carnage of modern cars.Plots of episodes are over the top of nonsens.Editing of highway chases are horrible because they use small parts of fake highway about 150+ episodes over and over.I had enough of that fake highway after ten episodes.

bmw-driver US

2018-07-24 23:05

Hoping Season 44 isn't as out of wack. I've heard rumours of Katrin Heß returning to the cast for more than just the pilot episode.

Mystery Man DE

2018-08-19 19:11

Why somebody deleted abot 10 cars that I´ve added some months ago? They were validated and had 1 to 3 star roles!

mike962 DE

2018-09-14 16:38

new season premier was dreadful

-- Last edit: 2018-09-14 16:39:34

bmw-driver US

2018-10-05 22:46

Can one of the admins delete this page? /vehicle_1132843-BMW-3-F30-2016.html
Yes, there is a 2016 BMW F30 (that belongs to Semir) in the picture, but we already have a loaded page with the car already. The police cars with the VESBA markings are 2012 models.

Mystery Man DE

2018-10-05 23:45

bmw-driver wrote Can one of the admins delete this page? /vehicle_1132843-BMW-3-F30-2016.html
Yes, there is a 2016 BMW F30 (that belongs to Semir) in the picture, but we already have a loaded page with the car already. The police cars with the VESBA markings are 2012 models.

Done. Pic was moved to the existing page for the 2012 F30 police car.

bmw-driver US

2018-10-06 03:37

Concerning curiosity of a car I saw in the background during the episode "Die falsche Seite" (39.07), what might the car on the right be? My guess is a BMW i3 from the silhouette alone, but there's hardly any use of it in the SEK, as far as I can remember.
[Image: screenshot168.jpg]

mike962 DE

2018-10-16 20:59

appereantly recent ratings are quite low and the series might get finally canned

Link to ""

cl82 DE

2018-10-16 21:08 if that really is going to happen.

bosnia BA

2018-10-16 21:11

deleted comment

mike962 DE

2018-10-16 21:11

cl82 wrote if that really is going to happen.

this fits better

for me it died when Tom Kranich was gone for good and budget was slashed too, no more the big fancy crashes on real location like it used to be... and good guest stars

bmw-driver US

2018-12-16 19:16

Season 44, for me, was a pretty good overall refresh of the series. To spare the details, aside from "Weiberfastnacht" (44.09)—God forbid anyone else from bearing witness to the idle humour in that episode—there was a good glimpse of how the series should have been up to now, had it not been for a series of poor executive decision by the series' producers.

mike962 DE

2019-03-22 00:39

Daniel Roesner exists the show this season so anothe rparter for Semir ...

bmw-driver US

2019-03-23 05:54

mike962 wrote Daniel Roesner exits the show this season...

No wonder the series took a dramatically dark turn all of a sudden last season. Any guess on who will take his place?

Mystery Man DE

2019-06-07 23:51

Season 45 completed.

DonBarto PL

2019-08-17 22:58

In new season premiere on 12th Sep (episode Happy Birthday) we'll see a throwback with car of Semir's father (with small Gerkhan inside and his mother taking photo):
[Image: 69294204_485273182032777_2186640443930836992_n.jpg]

It somehow reminds me of Gerkhan's Kadett Caravan (3-door estate of same color) but I'm pretty sure it's actually different model - any ideas?

Lateef NO

2019-08-17 23:01

^ It's a Ford Taunus 12M [P4].

DonBarto PL

2019-08-17 23:14

@Lateef wow, that was quick! Thanks ;)

bmw-driver US

2019-08-20 19:31

Question now is whether or not we'll get to see the new 3er G20 in action this season...

Mystery Man DE

2019-08-21 16:24

bmw-driver wrote Question now is whether or not we'll get to see the new 3er G20 in action this season...

I think so. Some months ago I saw an Instagram story of a guy that was near the backyard of Action Concept. Many dark blue G20 were visible. So I hope that I am not wrong now...

bmw-driver US

2019-08-27 02:51

Mystery Man wrote
Some months ago I saw an Instagram story of a guy that was near the backyard of Action Concept. Many dark blue G20 were visible...

It makes sense for them to be dark blue; more specifically, "Tansanitblau." I looked up the website, and you can no longer get an M-Sport model in "Glaciersilber."
On the off-hand, will Semir like the look?

-- Last edit: 2019-08-27 02:52:36

bmw-driver US

2019-09-13 03:10

Watched the first episode of Season 46. We got yet another first for this website, but it's not the BMW G20 (sadly).
Rather, it's the 2019 C-Klasse for Paul, which oddly still uses the six-spoke 19" wheels from the pre-facelift model.

bmw-driver US

2019-09-26 02:26

A very recent post on Cobra 11's official Instagram account has made clear that Pia Stutzenstein will replace Daniel Roesner as Semir's partner for 2020, under the name Vicky Reisinger. Meaning this will be the first time in Cobra 11 where Semir's main partner is a woman.

I've little doubt she'll be the one to continue driving Paul's C220d, and with the earlier news of the BMW G20 being used for shooting, it looks like Semir is indeed going to get a new ride for next year.

-- Last edit: 2019-11-14 19:31:10

DonBarto PL

2019-10-04 14:31

"bmw-driver" wrote It makes sense for them to be dark blue; more specifically, "Tansanitblau." I looked up the website, and you can no longer get an M-Sport model in "Glaciersilber."
On the off-hand, will Semir like the look?

Well, that's pretty interesting. When I realized in BMW online configurator that Glaciersilber can't be paired with M-Sport I was worried that AC would give Semir basic or Sport model, as silver lack (since season 3) is definitely more significant than M Packet (which first came in 26 season). And that'd be a shame as G20 looks really brilliant in M-Sport version.
Now - I really doubt that Gerkhan would get dark blue BMW after 22 years of using silver one, so it looks like AC will give an effort to repaint M-Sport models into silver, probably.

Also, I was surprised to see that Paul got a new car (well, just a facelift but still a new model) for his last season. Since season 35 we have new tradition that new partner gets new car and I'm sure that Pia's character won't be exception - btw. I think the new CLA would be a good choice or, if they want complete revolution, maybe A Class Sedan? It looks like 47 season will be full of changes: new partner (first female ever), some rumour about new boss (first male?), new Semir's BMW, new partner's ride, also recently new 911 (Finn/Dana) and 1-series (Jenny) came out, so that'd be possible premieres as well.

-- Last edit: 2019-10-04 14:32:03

DonBarto PL

2019-10-08 22:14

[Image: 1898055161-img_2741-large-ofa7.jpg] [Image: 173069522-img_2742-large-ova7.jpg] [Image: 1355213748-img_2757-large-qna7.jpg] [Image: 1421079122-img_2717-large-rca7.jpg]

Here we go! :D BMW G20 finally seen and pictured on the set of 47 season. Glaciersilber, Sport Line (no M-Sportpaket) and full set of police lights.
Besides, it looks like X5 that debuted on latest episode will be back

bmw-driver US

2019-10-09 18:56

Great to see they're still using the 330i model for the F30's successor.

bmw-driver US

2019-11-24 04:04

Season 46 completed, looks like. Save for the silver X4 G02 belonging to Fr. Krüger (God rest her soul).

DonBarto PL

2020-04-14 11:46

Another interesting photo of Semir's new BMW, suggesting there will be a license plate change (from Düsseldorf into Cologne) for season 47. Obviously this might be just a mistake, but remember we've already had such a change (Neuss>Düsseldorf) during Chris era, so I think it's possible.
[Image: bmw330ig20.jpg]

bmw-driver US

2020-04-20 22:22

Keep in mind, though, that the area changes brought significantly different license plates (B:PV 185 > NE:DR 8231 > D:BM 3308), so I'm guessing that's just an error.

DonBarto PL

2020-07-16 11:33

RTL decided that due to coronavirus crisis AFC11 will not be produced after finishing 14 episodes of current season. Although they call it "pause", not "end", there is still a possibility that newest season would be the last one. There is already a fan-made petition to renew the series: click

And by the way, here's another look at the new cars in front of PAST:
[Image: auta-past.jpg]

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2020-07-17 22:45

Damn... and just when the series was apparently going through a major change. I really hope the show will keep going because, I dunno, even in periods when the show is "bad", it's still enjoyable. And moving the show to a new location, giving us an all-new cast, after so many years, seems interesting.

bmw-driver US

2020-07-18 03:05

Seriously hoping the series isn't going to end. Been watching since I was 11, and I don't intend to stop now.

Anyway, looking at all the behind-the-scenes footage from Pia's Instagram, that C-Klasse C205 (Coupé) looks like it's going to be Vicky's car. The movement of the Axixtech MS6 police lights from the main grille to the lower bumper also seems like an alright change of pace to me, although the former layout wasn't all that bad (except maybe on Alex's CLA).
The plate format, however, looks about the same as @DonBarto has stated: they're moving to Cologne, but the license plates aren't changing much. Heck, there's not much in the way to differentiate the license plates of Paul's C220d from Vicky's C-Klasse (model TBD), aside from changing the city and BD to BC.

As for the X5 G05, the engine code looks like it's an xDrive30d model. Could this apply to the car previously used by Semir in "Verhängnisvolle Nacht?"

Also, are those M-Sport wheels I'm seeing on the 330i G20?

DonBarto PL

2020-07-18 19:30

@bmw-driver, yeah, this C-Class Coupe is gonna be Vicky's car. It looks like AMG-Line, so with G20 being non-M-Sport model we'll have exactly opposite situation to previous seasons when Semir used M-Sport BMWs and his partners were driving "plain" (non-AMG-packaged) models of MB. Good point about M-Sport wheels on G20 though.

Plate change from D to K is indeed interesting and I wonder whether it's gonna have any justification in the plot or it will be just a technical change like in 22/23 season. Also, some time ago Christoph Domanski published instagram story (screenshot below) showing briefly new BMW 1-series (F40 M-Sport, Mineralgrau), which - according to Gizem's instagram - will be used by Dana as she's apparently gonna change to plain clothes and become somewhat of Jenny's successor.
[Image: screenshot_20200628-183726_facebook.jpg]

bmw-driver US

2020-08-07 03:09

"We're not only chasing after crime, we're one step ahead of it."

[Image: c11-2020-1.jpg] [Image: c11-2020-2.jpg] [Image: c11-2020-3.jpg] [Image: c11-2020-4.jpg]

DonBarto PL

2020-08-07 19:12

And another trailer for today:

[Image: trailer1.jpg] [Image: trailer3.jpg] [Image: trailer4.jpg] [Image: trailer6.jpg]

Ondra CZ

2020-08-09 18:06

I bet this goes one season and puff Cobra 11 vanish.

It feels like complete new tv series with old name that is full of all modern BS and they somewhat throw old wolf Semir to that mix...

-- Last edit: 2020-08-10 09:51:48

bmw-driver US

2020-08-25 07:12

Just wait until episode 4, @Ondra. The forums keep joking that the action budget was mostly dumped on that entire episode, but keep your head up.

Anyway, thanks to @DonBarto for providing this picture from episode 47.02. I noticed there being what looks like a BMW i3 or an i3s in the far end of the parked cars. Can anyone verify this, and is this Kramer's car, potentially?

[Image: past.jpg]

Mystery Man DE

2020-08-25 09:35

I think it's an i3, too. I believe I saw some post or story on Instagram where Kramer was next to an i3, so it must be his car. Furthermore the suicide doors would be suitable for his wheelchair I think.

DonBarto PL

2020-08-25 20:39

@bmw-driver, yes, that's Kramer's i3. Same as with 1 Series, I wait for it to be actually used. But if that doesn't happen this season, I will add it just as background vehicle (with possible star upgrade next season)

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2020-09-11 23:04

Sometime ago, it has been said (by Gamer and Mystery Man) that episode 7.01 ("Höllenfahrt auf der A4") had the biggest pile-up... but now that episode 47.04 ("Kollision") has just aired? Maybe not anymore.

The one in 7.01 does have a lot of smashed cars taking up a lot of space on the Autobahn (so it probably is the biggest pile-up in that aspect), but, we actually don't get to see most of it. A lot of the crashes are reused footage from older episodes, we only see a few new collisions actually happen (and even then, some get repeated from multiple angles), and a couple of impressive rollover stunts (including the famous red SLK stunt). But we mostly see wide shots of smashed cars magically appearing. There might be 75 cars in there, and we probably only see about 10-15 actually crashing. I could make the same complaints towards the pile-up in episode 9.01 ("Todesfahrt der Linie 834") and a few others.
And if one takes a close look, most of the cars that pop out of nowhere at the pile-up, are actually wrecked vehicles from other season 7 episodes (that were shot before or at the same time as "Höllenfahrt"; in particular, there's the wrecked Camaro from ep. 7.02 "Blinde Liebe").

The pile-up in "Kollision" is not only quite long, but it shows everything. Every single stunt is shown, and the scene is pretty drawn out, with Semir and Vicky actually getting involved and trying to help people during the pile-up, rather than just helplessly waving at cars to stop like in older episodes. The most impressive piece of car action of season 47, so far, and I dare say, maybe the best pile-up of the series overall.

-- Last edit: 2020-09-13 07:18:44

bmw-driver US

2020-09-13 05:39

PMEntertainmentLives wrote The pile-up in "Kollision" is not only quite long, but it shows everything. Every single stunt is shown, and the scene is pretty drawn out, with Semir and Vicky actually getting involved and trying to help people during the pile-up, rather than just helplessly waving at cars to stop like in older episodes. The most impressive piece of car action of season 47, so far, and I dare say, maybe the best pile-up of the series overall.

I'm sure there are some people who have watched the new season joke about the action budget being dumped on this episode alone... but I agree. While it doesn't go so far as to have a red SLK flying over everything (like in "Höllenfahrt"), and while it doesn't show the passerby drivers getting involved in the accident (see "Goal"), this pileup was intense and exceptionally directed. With no other pileup scene in any other series, let alone Cobra 11, was I ever punched so much in the gut before, especially with Semir dragging Vicky out of harm's way at the last minute, before the big semi-truck comes along and plows into the man Vicky tried to save, and everything else.

And then they had to cut to the series intro. Wow.

bmw-driver US

2020-10-30 13:34

Taking screenshots for "Most Wanted" and I came across these two. Anyone able to identify them both?
[Image: 4401-beater.jpg] [Image: 4401-truck-3.jpg]

Mystery Man DE

2020-10-30 14:13

Oh, you were faster in adding cars from 44.01 that I missed two years ago. For the two unknowns: I think both aren't listed yet, so just list them as unknown. Chassis cab looks like an old Fiat to me...
And next week you can complete 44.02.

Phaeton PL

2020-10-30 14:40

bmw-driver wrote Taking screenshots for "Most Wanted" and I came across these two. Anyone able to identify them both?
[Image: 4401-beater.jpg] [Image: 4401-truck-3.jpg]

The blue sedan could be 1980 Mazda 929, the truck - 1977 Iveco Daily

superflo AT

2021-03-02 12:04

Which do you reckon was the (at the time of filming) most expensive car that was destroyed in this show?

Mystery Man DE

2021-03-02 14:52

Must be theoretically the AMG GT S from 39.01...
But could well be the Porsche 928 GTS from 4.01 or the BMW 8 from 1.03 (which wasn't destroyed in episode but for filming IIRC).

-- Last edit: 2021-03-02 15:16:35

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2021-03-12 20:54

Happy 25th anniversary to this absolutely crazy show I adore. :D

LadaLover UA

2021-03-22 21:26

17.06 "Feindliche Ubernahme" - brown Mercedes-Benz 280SE/350SE W116, 3 stars.
[Image: w116_1.jpg] [Image: w116_2.jpg] [Image: w116_3.jpg]

Peterkragger PL

2021-05-21 14:25

I know it may be a weird question, but. Do anyone of you know what's the location of that fake autobahn they record stunts on since like 2006?

Animatronixx DE

2021-05-21 14:46

@Peterkragger The exact location is here. The operator is FTL GmbH Film + Test Location, who cordially invite you to "Produce your High-Speed-Autobahn-Scenes on Europe’s biggest Film set".

Peterkragger PL

2021-05-29 15:53


bmw-driver US

2021-07-02 06:56

Looks like this is the end of the road... for now.
New season premieres July 29th 2021, but early access starts as early as the 12th.

mike962 DE

2021-08-12 22:21

so the series ends with Semir in prison and passing the torch thing ... what agreat series ending...

-- Last edit: 2021-08-12 22:24:46

Mystery Man DE

2021-08-13 01:03

Season 48 completed. So with this 'last season for the moment' (well, nobody really believes there will be a new season someday) IMCDb's largest fictional page has come to an end...
But maybe one day we will be pleasantly surprised?

rtsbusman1997 US

2021-08-15 13:06

mike962 wrote so the series ends with Semir in prison and passing the torch thing ... what agreat series ending...

that's literally how it ends after all these years? that sucks :(

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2021-09-08 20:17

[Image: pdvd009uf4.9669.jpg][Image: pdvd010lg9.4318.jpg][Image: 1b.jpg]

^ First crash scene (aired in March 1996).

[Image: 488_das-team-teil-2_91.jpg][Image: 488_das-team-teil-2_92.jpg][Image: 488_das-team-teil-2_93.jpg]

^ Last crash scene (aired in August 2021).

After having pretty much half of season 47 with no crashes (which the huge pile-up in "Kollision" makes up for), it was fun seeing season 48 have at least one impressive stunt per episode (the first to do so since season 45).

Here's hoping this bat crazy show will be continuing.

-- Last edit: 2021-09-10 23:01:46

Mystery Man DE

2021-10-25 16:03

On action concept's Instagram account they announced Cobra 11 will continue as TV movie series in 2022.

bmw-driver US

2021-10-25 19:15

Question now is how the heck they can get Semir Gerkhan out of prison this time?
Still, this is great news!

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2021-10-27 19:45

All right! :)

If they do indeed choose the "TV movie series" route, I suppose each TV movie will need its own separate page, like Tatort or Polizeiruf 110?

(looks back at this monster of a page)

That'd probably be a good idea. :D

-- Last edit: 2021-10-27 19:46:16

Mystery Man DE

2021-10-28 16:49

bmw-driver wrote Question now is how the heck they can get Semir Gerkhan out of prison this time?

Quite easy with the Cobra 11 logic, e.g. when Dana suddenly became older (according to 30.01, she would be just 20 yo this year, but obviously she now is and must be older...), they suddenly moved from Berlin to NRW (never explained in eps, of course how they could?), Semir didn't had contact to his mother for over 25 years (even if she was mentioned in another way in 1997 and 1998 episodes), etc. etc.

modcanario CZ

2021-11-02 23:44

I found that this tv serie is known as "Спецотряд «Кобра 11»" in Ukraine, Russia & Belarus: Link to ""

Stevenafc11 PL

2022-01-09 13:13

m.pfaffeneder wrote A scene from "Alarm für Cobra 11 - Das Syndikat" (computer game) in episode 33.08:
[Image: adobeflashplayer09042013200651.jpg] [Image: vollbildaufzeichnung09042013200710.jpg]

In Episode 26.02 - Semir and Ben playing in Crash Time 2 : Burning Wheels

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2022-04-08 19:00

[Image: vlcsnap29259om3.6112.jpg]

This memorable stunt has finally happened for real. :lol:

(Don't worry, the driver survived.)

-- Last edit: 2022-04-08 19:01:29

Gamer DE

2022-04-08 19:12

Did he also complain prior that there was never anything happening? :)

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2022-04-08 19:17

Probably wanted to end up on one of those hospital shows the Porsche driver complained about. ;) :lol:

-- Last edit: 2022-04-08 19:17:38

mike962 DE

2022-04-24 23:22

PMEntertainmentLives wrote [Image: pdvd009uf4.9669.jpg][Image: pdvd010lg9.4318.jpg][Image: 1b.jpg]

^ First crash scene (aired in March 1996).

[Image: 488_das-team-teil-2_91.jpg][Image: 488_das-team-teil-2_92.jpg][Image: 488_das-team-teil-2_93.jpg]

^ Last crash scene (aired in August 2021).

After having pretty much half of season 47 with no crashes (which the huge pile-up in "Kollision" makes up for), it was fun seeing season 48 have at least one impressive stunt per episode (the first to do so since season 45).

Here's hoping this bat crazy show will be continuing.

the old seasons have the advanatage of looking much more authentic due to the real location shooting , the later ones they use their own build "autobahn" over and over and over again it's really ridiculos

also the cinematography and photography were much better, now camera shakes a lot and they use this stuppid blue filters instead of allowing for the natural colors

-- Last edit: 2022-04-24 23:25:02

bmw-driver US

2022-10-18 01:54

The three TV movies were just announced on Instagram.
"Unversöhnlich," "Machtlos" and "Schutzlos" are the titles of the respective episodes, and they'll each show on Thursday starting the 20th of October.

Mystery Man DE

2022-10-20 09:14

Season 49 completed!

I like the opening scene in 49.01 since it is a homage to the one of 1.01. :)

-- Last edit: 2022-11-03 19:14:09

mike962 DE

2022-10-21 21:31

mystery man wrote

I like the opening scene in 49.01 since it is a homage to the one of 1.01. :)

but stil so utter crap , Semir like magic back to the force after going to prison??? WTF

and can't they really afford some actual location shooting ? that stretch of road endlessly reused feels like an old Hanna Barberra Cartoon from the 60s-70s and that shaky cam and MTV fast editing puts a Michael Bay movie to utter shame

-- Last edit: 2022-10-21 21:33:23

bmw-driver US

2023-02-15 00:36

Can somebody update the pages for the new Season 49 protagonist vehicles? The gray 3 Series G20 is a 330i, the black 2 Series G42 is a 230i (barely made out the badging in 49.01), and Max's X1 in 49.02 is a 2020 MY, xdrive20d model; first two should be listed as 4 stars each.

bmw-driver US

2023-05-21 17:47

Erdogan Atalay's Instagram page has footage of the second day shooting for the new season, and we already have a couple of vehicles to preview: a 1st-gen Subaru Forester, as well as the 2023 BMW 330i G20 with NEW police lights. Pictures to follow soon.

-- Last edit: 2023-05-21 17:49:35

night cub US

2023-08-13 20:48

[Image: 7vn98j.jpg]

UKboy205 EN

2023-08-13 22:07


walter IT

2023-08-14 21:19

@Parrilex304: I had to delete a good half of your new pictures, we have to be strict with backgrounds in very busy pages like this one which is probably the worst of the whole website.

mike962 DE

2023-09-26 21:08


2 star Kalmar DC forklift , bad guy tries to kill cop with it !!

so IMO should be added !

[Image: untitled.6877.jpg] [Image: untitled.6878.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2023-09-26 21:36:36

mike962 DE

2023-09-26 21:10

[Image: untitled.6879.jpg]

mike962 DE

2023-10-17 20:15

:hello: Walter , an entry with role

trainboy PL

2023-10-30 23:58

Rejon działania: autostrada. – Ihr Revier ist die Autobahn.

Jazda z zabójcza prędkością. – Ihr Tempo ist mörderisch.

Służba 24 godziny na dobę. – Ihre Gegner: Autoschieber, Mörder und Erpresser.

Chłopcy z oddziału Cobra 11. – Einsatz rund um die Uhr für die Männer von Cobra 11.

Ich celem jest zapewnienie nam bezpieczeństwa. – Unsere Sicherheit ist ihr Job.

Mystery Man DE

2024-01-06 02:59

Rest in Peace, Christian Oliver :(

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2024-01-06 09:27

I just learned about that. I'm speechless. RIP. :(

trainboy PL

2024-01-17 18:06

Honestly this is one of my favorite automotive action franchises, and it surprises me more than once when it comes to cars, especially because the cars in the games based on this series are not licensed (like in GTA or Burnout) :D.

trainboy PL

2024-01-17 18:08

PMEntertainmentLives wrote I just learned about that. I'm speechless. RIP. :(


Kartkidbut US

2024-01-17 18:47


mike962 DE

2024-01-17 18:53

mystery man wrote Rest in Peace, Christian Oliver :(

he wasn't popular on the series, they replaced him after about 3 seasons only with the guy he replaced René Steinke (Tom Kranich)

heck the only guy who did less episodes was the original one Johannes Brandrup (Frank Stolte) season 1 only

-- Last edit: 2024-01-17 18:55:20

PMEntertainmentLives QC

2024-01-24 23:47

Okay? RIP all the same...

-- Last edit: 2024-01-25 11:54:58

YT_AutaNaEkranie PL

2024-04-28 20:16

Does anyone know exactly how many episodes and how many seasons have been made till now?

mike962 DE

2024-04-28 20:21

YT_AutaNaEkranie wrote Does anyone know exactly how many episodes and how many seasons have been made till now?

to date 381 in 49 seasons
Link to ""

unaired season 50 containes 6 epsidoes so would be 387

YT_AutaNaEkranie PL

2024-04-28 20:24

mike962 wrote
to date 381 in 49 seasons
Link to ""

unaired season 50 containes 6 epsidoes so would be 387

I don't quite understand. After all, the series is still in production, right? And what's the deal with the unaired season 50?

mike962 DE

2024-04-28 20:26

still in production, season 50 filmed but not yet aired

YT_AutaNaEkranie PL

2024-04-28 20:35

Oh, OK thank You so much.

bmw-driver US

2025-01-14 18:47

We're back! A sneak preview of tonight's episode.

darewnoo PL

2025-01-14 19:37

bmw-driver wrote

We're back! A sneak preview of tonight's episode.

Nice empty Audi A3 :P

[Image: new-6.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2025-01-14 19:37:53

bmw-driver US

2025-01-24 05:56
And here's another preview. The (2023) 330i G20 M-Sport sees some action, though the sound designers think the car apparently has a V8.

[*][*][*][*] for the future page.
[Image: 5002-g20-1.jpg] [Image: 5002-g20-2.jpg] [Image: 5002-g20-3.jpg]

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