
Last completed movie pages

CHiPs, US TV Series, 1977-1983 IMDB

Pictures provided by: stronghold, an_unusual_eye, blk95ta, police car fan, blue_thunder, night cub, MaindrianPace, Donovan Savage, Reg1992, mike962

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Also known as:

  • Chips
  • California Highway Patrol (Finland)
  • Περιπολικά εν δράσει (Greece)
  • Περιπολικά σε δράση (Greece)
  • 白バイ野郎ジョン&パンチ (Japan)
  • CHiPs: Patrulla motorizada (Peru)
  • Калифорнийский дорожный патруль (USSR)
  • CHiPs Patrol (USA)
  • ChiPs Patrulla Motorizada (Venezuela)

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Comments about this movie

See all comments about this movie and its vehicles

See the 108 comments from this page that were archived


stronghold EN

2006-01-12 01:08 i've finished Dangerman, Almost finished Dukes of hazzard series 1,+ Not long till I finish New Avengers.!
So ..I was thinking..Persuaders ... but Daf555 has started it.! ..Okay no problem... I'll do Professionals ..but today I see Bebert has just started.!
If there is ever going to be a challenger for the ammount of cars in a series compete with Bo & Luke Duke ... I think this is the one.!
..Jon & Ponch ...."right on.!"
[Image: chipseps1365ed.8889.jpg] [Image: chipseps1457lw.5992.jpg] [Image: chips22151vn2.96.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2013-02-09 18:44:42 (night cub)

Ralph DE

2006-01-13 02:42

The original US Episode Guide
Season 1
1x01. The Pilot
1x02. Undertow
1x03. Dog Gone
1x04. Moving Violation
1x05. Career Day
1x06. Baby Food
1x07. Taking Its Toll
1x08. Green Thumb Burglar
1x09. Hustle
1x10. Highway Robbery
1x11. Name Your Price
1x12. Aweigh We Go
1x13. One Two Many
1x14. Rustling
1x15. Surfs Up
1x16. Vintage 54
1x17. Hitch-Hiking Hitch
1x18. Cry Wolf
1x19. Crash Diet
1x20. Rainy Day
1x21. Crack Up
1x22. Flashback!

antp BE

2006-03-04 21:01

Since it is impossible to discuss on this heavy page (Firefox on my AMD 1200 takes a while to load the thumbnail list, even when all thumbnails are cached), I created a topic for this problem:

stronghold EN

2006-03-27 01:59

Well ...that is the Lot ...All 22 episodes of the first season ... completed ... Over 400 cars..!!
All I can see is them passing in front of my eyes..!! [Image: cars228yv.gif]
... i'm off to bed now.! [Image: sleeping8yj.gif]

stronghold EN

2006-07-28 15:33

Disco dancing ponch.! :D (eps 2.01)
[Image: chips201157vp3.7269.jpg] [Image: chips201163lo6.849.jpg] [Image: chips201165vj0.558.jpg]

stronghold EN

2006-09-10 02:15

just adding eps 2.07 ...In this show Ponch gets to fly in a helicopter (chasing a Mercedes..)
[Image: chips2774bp2.1549.jpg] [Image: chips2775py8.5706.jpg]
..before Ponch gets to fly in the chopper he says to Jon ..."..If I was anything else than what i am today ...i'd be a Bird" ...Jons reply ..." An Ostrich ...or a Turkey.?" ... :D

-- Last edit: 2006-09-10 02:16:22

stronghold EN

2006-09-20 11:53

some old trains from eps 2.08
[Image: chips2878ox9.1796.jpg] [Image: chips2879qw2sr8.2927.jpg] [Image: chips2884ba1sg4.9223.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2013-02-09 18:55:58 (night cub)

stronghold EN

2006-09-20 11:56

also in eps 2.08
[Image: chips2891am8.3083.jpg] [Image: chips2881zy2.526.jpg]

datsunZ IT

2007-01-15 20:45

stronghold wrote just adding eps 2.07 ...In this show Ponch gets to fly in a helicopter (chasing a Mercedes..)
[Image: chips2774bp2.1549.jpg] [Image: chips2775py8.5706.jpg]
..before Ponch gets to fly in the chopper he says to Jon ..."..If I was anything else than what i am today ...i'd be a Bird" ...Jons reply ..." An Ostrich ...or a Turkey.?" ... :D

Hughes 500 Cayuse the 'copter illustrated

stronghold EN

2007-10-11 05:17

part of something? seen in eps 2.14.! :)
[Image: chips21432en2.1175.jpg]

yoda US

2007-10-27 05:50

WPL411 station wagon, 1966-67. About to get a fix-it ticket for the missing taillight lens?

stronghold EN

2008-03-13 21:53

in eps 2.17
[Image: chips217109ot9.2016.jpg] [Image: chips217130ht2.9427.jpg] [Image: chips217121pa8.4158.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2013-02-09 18:56:27 (night cub)

stronghold EN

2008-03-16 01:34

eps 2.18
[Image: chips21848fr7.4007.jpg]

stronghold EN

2008-03-18 09:36

in eps 2.21 Bicycle disguised as a chips motorcycle (with working siren & flashing lights.!)
[Image: chips22152ko4.3944.jpg] [Image: chips22196ny8.9169.jpg]
lots of BMX bikes in this episode
[Image: chips22195sz5.6397.jpg] [Image: chips22191iv7.1638.jpg] [Image: chips22192xc9.5773.jpg] [Image: chips22193if1.3248.jpg] [Image: chips22194ig4.2534.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2008-03-18 09:39:10

stronghold EN

2008-03-18 10:26

Season 2 completed

stronghold EN

2008-05-12 01:59

[Image: chips304109id9.627.jpg] [Image: chips304227gh4.7771.jpg] [Image: chips30547td9.5416.jpg] [Image: chips30598dz7.9886.jpg]
Mr.Worf the early years :)

-- Last edit: 2013-02-09 18:56:41 (night cub)

stronghold EN

2009-05-16 09:42

in eps 3.07** used by the crooks, but no clear views of the vehicle
[Image: chips30720.4531.jpg] [Image: chips30721.8939.jpg] [Image: chips30722.3186.jpg]

pixelkilla US

2010-03-30 23:37 F-9 Panther

Cycolac Fan EN

2012-08-19 20:43

Wonder if anyone could remind in which episode - it's definitely season 1 or 2 - has the old guy being put in a retirement home and refusing to leave his trailer?
The daughter tries to talk him out and eventually Jon manages to persuade him out.

Reason I ask is there's a large 10 ton or up stakeside bed truck outside in the street and chock it's full of ten spoke Vector wheels - my guess is on its way to the Dukes of Hazzard set and called in to add some background colour to CHiPs.

Didn't see it listed above but I may have missed it. It's a 2 star at most.

62imperial US

2012-10-10 23:12

Quote The reason for this is, the freeway chases and crashes were filmed on incomplete sections of road not yet opened to the public.

Most of the freeway footage was shot on the 210 which was under construction during the mid-to-late 1970s; Smash-up on Interstate 5 and several other TV and theatrical films were made there as well.

62imperial US

2012-10-10 23:28

I found this note under the Edsels in the Media page at

Quote CHiPs: Alan Humphrey writes, an Aqua '59 Ranger 4-door is featured throughout the episode. The car was stolen, and the criminals had to have the Edsel repaired before it could be sold. The part was purchased from a parts shop that specialised in Edsel parts. They ordered a u-joint for the repair. The salesman, when asked by Ponch and John, said that he hadn't had much call lately for Edsel parts. The mechanic at the garage laughed too and when asked said that is was a sort of green colored Edsel.

I don't see any Edsels on this page; anyone remember the episode?

night cub US

2012-10-12 06:00

62imperial wrote I found this note under the Edsels in the Media page at

I don't see any Edsels on this page; anyone remember the episode?

There was a green 1959 Edsel used in Ep 5.19-Silent Partner. Two car thieves were stealing luxury cars, and the Edsel was used as interference in that episode.

police car fan NL

2012-10-23 17:36

do you see this too on the background? :)

[Image: snap274.1.jpg]

police car fan NL

2012-11-03 17:45

yeeey! someone on youtube is uploading season 3 in reasonably good quality! :D

night cub US

2013-01-12 17:39

I have been slowly replacing all the Season 1 main pics with DVD captures, and finished that season last night. I have Season 2 DVDs as well and will start to replace those main pics (probably in reverse order, since the blurriest are at the end of the season). This page is seriously bloated (1506 entries), and I made a long list of models that can be combined. If noone objects, I'm going to start consolidating entries. It will probably take a little while to get done.

Ford_Guy US

2013-01-12 20:18

Excellent! Maybe you can clean up the general comments section up a bit as well.

CougarTim US

2013-01-12 20:33

That is a daunting task you've set for yourself, night cub. This page is a mess, and I applaud your efforts and bid you godspeed. :)

-- Last edit: 2013-01-12 20:34:07

rjluna2 US

2013-01-12 21:22

Good luck, night cub :beer:

night cub US

2013-02-16 05:31

I finished replacing Season 1 and 2 main pics, and combining one & two-star entries. I left some 3-star entries alone. I still want to replace some of the thumbnails and may add a few other entries of missing vehicles.

For the comments, I archived most of the comments, and only kept ones with thumbnails and episodes lists, as well as the most recent comments. I figured it would be easier to un-archive any comments anyone finds relevant this way.

Police Car Fan, if you add more cars, please see if the model is already listed first and add to the comments, instead of making new entries. I combined some of the new entries from Ep 6.01. This will keep the page from getting out of control.

police car fan NL

2013-04-07 17:03

i'll keep that in my mind Night cub

Richard-UFC NL

2013-06-26 14:22
just a link to the tune. It's great I listen it all the time :love:


2013-07-27 17:22

This is a pretty big page so I think we need to be maybe a bit more strict with background cars, so for the latest batch of submissions I deleted any that weren't prominent in the picture.

-- Last edit: 2013-07-27 17:24:15

blue_thunder AT

2013-07-28 13:47

Does anyone know if the will ever release Season 3 and up on DVD? Waiting for it for years... :( .

police car fan NL

2013-07-28 14:05

I thought i saw once on a website that this year season 3 would come out on DVD, i'm not sure though. I really hope they will though.. :(

Sandie SX

2013-08-04 04:05

Can people review these latest additions by police car fan? I'm fairly sure they are far down the unknown list so can be viewed best by 'Sort By: Date Added' and comprise the last 11 vehicles added to the page. Thank you.

police car fan NL

2013-08-14 18:16

Ep. 4.14 and 4.15 ''Ponch Angels''

[Image: snap347.3.jpg]

police car fan NL

2013-10-13 15:14

For Rjluna2:

[Image: snap303.6.jpg]

rjluna2 US

2013-10-13 23:48

police car fan wrote For Rjluna2:

Finally got one for "ChiPs" eh, police car fan :)

My comments at Traffic Lights in Internet Movie Car Database.

police car fan NL

2013-10-14 00:03

Hahaha yes Rjluna2 :D when i saw it in the episode i thought about you and the TL's in the IMCDb, i will add more if i see them in other episodes.

Sandie SX

2013-10-22 15:17

A load of cars have been validated for this page, but maybe well down the Unidentified list, so if people want to take a look: /movie.php?resultsStyle=asImages&sortBy=5&id=75488

@police car fan: Are the two blank entries going to get pictures or are they mistakes?

police car fan NL

2013-10-22 17:46

I think they were mistakes, sorry.

Corkeyandpals US

2013-11-01 20:24

Aircraft at:

Richard-UFC NL

2013-11-13 08:16

Is there any way I can watch season 3 and further? They haven't been released on DVD yet. I really loved the first two seasons, so I wanna see the rest of them to!


2014-01-26 15:09

Police Car Fan, because this page is so massive, I deleted a couple of the background vehicles you submitted because they seemed to be just passing traffic cars.

Crush NO

2014-08-23 20:43

Hi I am trying to identify a car from the opening credits scene from season one and it's driving me crazy. Does anyone know what car this is:
[Image: chipsopeningscenecar.jpg]

I am thinking late 70's buick regal or electra, however it seems to be missing the park/blinker light underneath the headlights (which all buicks had in 76 and 77 I believe)

I really like the grille and look of this car, lots of great cars in this show I would like to add :)

night cub US

2014-08-23 21:08

crush wrote [Image: chipsopeningscenecar.jpg]

It's a 1976-77 Buick Regal coupe.

BTW - Chips is going to start airing on American TV again on MeTV starting on Sept 1.

-- Last edit: 2014-08-23 23:01:14 (karoomay)

mike962 DE

2014-11-16 13:32

season 3 is coming to DVD if anybody wants to cape it

vistacruiser67 US

2015-03-10 19:14

It's 76 or 77 Regal or Century if they still had that nameplate these two years. It is not a full size Buick of that time but what was considered midsize at the time. Square headlights makes it a 76 or 77 before they downsized the GM intermediates in 78. I think 75 Regals had round headlights in 75. My aunt had one of these. Silver with a red landau top and red interior.

crush wrote Hi I am trying to identify a car from the opening credits scene from season one and it's driving me crazy. Does anyone know what car this is:
[Image: chipsopeningscenecar.jpg]

I am thinking late 70's buick regal or electra, however it seems to be missing the park/blinker light underneath the headlights (which all buicks had in 76 and 77 I believe)

I really like the grille and look of this car, lots of great cars in this show I would like to add :)

vistacruiser67 US

2015-03-10 19:32

Season 3 is now out DVD as many of you well know. In the 2/23/80 episode THRILL SHOW there is yet another "Ponch" Firebird after the utter destruction of the one in DESTRUCTION DERBY episode that aired 11/24/79. In THRILL SHOW the car has a single shaker hood scoop and moon hubcaps and is seen while playing tag on the freeway with a Bus and goes up on two wheels and lands back down on four wheels. . Yet earlier in the episode one appears at a track with mag wheels maybe even the Formula hood shortly after the Joey Chitwood scenes.

-- Last edit: 2015-03-10 19:37:18

night cub US

2015-05-16 04:02

Season 3 updated and complete

night cub US

2015-05-29 20:02

Donovan Savage - New entries need episode numbers. Also, because of the size of this show, background cars need to be obvious; small ones can't be accepted. Also, if the vehicle model is already listed, add additional pics to the comments of that entry and do not make new entries.

Donovan Savage

2015-06-01 18:13

night cub wrote Donovan Savage - New entries need episode numbers. Also, because of the size of this show, background cars need to be obvious; small ones can't be accepted. Also, if the vehicle model is already listed, add additional pics to the comments of that entry and do not make new entries.

Thank you

night cub US

2015-06-24 18:43

4070D182 - Because of the size of this show, please do not add any entries for vehicles that are already listed. Several of your entries were already listed in the comments. Also, we can't accept most small background cars, they will be deleted. Season 3 is on DVD, so do not add images from fuzzy downloads of that season.

Again, this is one of the largest pages on the site, and I spent a lot of time cleaning up the page by combining vehicles. We appreciate your help not cluttering it up.

MaindrianPace US

2016-03-16 18:35

I just season four on dvd, and will start making car pictures.

night cub US

2016-03-16 18:54

MaindrianPace wrote I just season four on dvd, and will start making car pictures.

That's fine. Most should be replacement pictures that belong in the comments. Do not add too many background entries, especially small or partially blocked ones. One and two-star entries should be combined with existing entries (if model already listed).

-- Last edit: 2016-03-16 18:56:02

night cub US

2016-04-15 11:07

I finished filling in the missing episodes from Seasons 5 and 6. Still need to check the other episodes for missing scenes and have been replacing the Season 4 entries.

night cub US

2016-04-26 10:26

Sometimes you never know what will pop up in the background. There's a red Lancia Scorpion (Monte Carlo) hidden in the trees on the left in Episode 4.14:
[Image: chips-414-007c.jpg]

-- Last edit: 2016-04-26 10:27:13

MaindrianPace US

2016-04-28 17:05

Close up shots of Randi Oakes:

[Image: 26356030500_7c9fac6054_o.jpg]

night cub US

2016-05-05 06:07

Season 4 entries have been updated.

Some aircraft for IMPDB:

Ep 1.05:
[Image: chips-105-0p2.jpg] [Image: chips-105-0p3.jpg]

Ep 1.15, same helicopter #:
[Image: chips-115-000-p02.jpg]

Ep 1.18, a helicopter crash on the freeway:
[Image: chips-118-000-p01.jpg] [Image: chips-118-000-p02.jpg] [Image: chips-118-000-p04.jpg]

Ep 2.02:
[Image: chips-202-000p01.jpg]

Ep 2.07 (upgrades):
[Image: chips-207-p04.jpg] [Image: chips-207-p05.jpg] [Image: chips-207-p06.jpg] [Image: chips-207-p07.jpg]

Ep 2.08 (upgrades):
[Image: chips-208-p02.jpg] [Image: chips-208-p03.jpg]

Ep 2.14:
[Image: chips-214-p01.jpg]

Ep 2.17 (upgrade and new):
[Image: chips-217-000p01.jpg] [Image: chips-217-000p04.jpg] [Image: chips-217-000p05.jpg]

Ep 4.02:
[Image: chips-402-29c.jpg] [Image: chips-402-30c.jpg] [Image: chips-402-31c.jpg]

Ep 4.06:
[Image: chips-406-020c.jpg] [Image: chips-406-022c.jpg]

Ep 4.07:
[Image: chips-407-055c.jpg] [Image: chips-407-076c.jpg]
[Image: chips-407-086c.jpg] [Image: chips-407-087c.jpg] [Image: chips-407-098c.jpg] [Image: chips-407-099c.jpg]

Ep 4.11:
[Image: chips-411-070c.jpg]

Ep 4.18, Ofc. Baricza's father runs a crop-dusting company:
[Image: chips-418-010c.jpg] [Image: chips-418-012c.jpg] [Image: chips-418-016c.jpg] [Image: chips-418-023c.jpg]
[Image: chips-418-031c.jpg] [Image: chips-418-103c.jpg] [Image: chips-418-111c.jpg] [Image: chips-418-126c.jpg]
[Image: chips-418-009c.jpg] [Image: chips-418-011c.jpg]
[Image: chips-418-104c.jpg] [Image: chips-418-105c.jpg]

Reg1992 US

2017-01-27 11:30

I'm loving these new high-quality pics for Season 5 - thanks, night cub! :)

nzcarnerd NZ

2017-01-28 20:54

Having just identified the antique Studebaker used in episode 5.11 I looked that one up on IMDB and see that the trivia mentions that the Auburn was the same car sued later by Remington Steel. I can't confirm that but maybe if someone here is registered for IMDB they can correct the date of the car in that piece.

-- Last edit: 2017-01-28 20:55:35

Reg1992 US

2017-09-16 02:59

On this day 40 years ago, CHiPs debuted on NBC. Happy 40th anniversary CHiPs!!! [:birthday]

[Image: s1smallpic.jpg]

Reg1992 US

2017-09-22 08:23

Anybody notice the expression on Erik Estrada's face on the Season 6 cover? In the other five seasons with Larry Wilcox, they're both clearly smiling...but for season six, Estrada seems to have a "frown-smile" going on :lol:

[Image: estradafrownsmile.jpg]

vistacruiser67 US

2019-06-21 14:17

I could have sworn somewhere in this series there was a 70-72 Pontiac Lemans two door yellow with a black vinyl sunroof. Two guys were smoking pot in it and one was sticking his head out of the roof saying how he loved the drivers new roof because he could see where he was going when he was high. It was wrecked. I cant find it anywhere here. Anybody remember this car?

night cub US

2019-06-23 23:30

vistacruiser67 wrote I could have sworn somewhere in this series there was a 70-72 Pontiac Lemans two door yellow with a black vinyl sunroof. Two guys were smoking pot in it and one was sticking his head out of the roof saying how he loved the drivers new roof because he could see where he was going when he was high. It was wrecked. I cant find it anywhere here. Anybody remember this car?

I don't remember any scene like that on Chips

blue_thunder AT

2022-05-09 21:55

In the long first episode opening, you can get a glimpse of, what it seems to me, some brand new Ford Motor company products.

[Image: zwischenablage02.1.jpg] [Image: zwischenablage03.1.jpg]

If these deserve an own entry or should be merged, please feel free.

-- Last edit: 2022-05-09 21:56:07

ThatVintageCarGuy AU

2023-08-24 10:43

New HD remaster of all 6 seasons available on Plex: Link to ""

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